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Sale 84: Foreign Stamps and Covers

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Nova Scotia - Transatlantic Mail 1850-1877

Lots 1225-1234 Lots 1235-1244 Lots 1245-1253

Lot 1235    

Nova Scotia, 1856 (Jul. 25) London, England to St. John's Newfoundland, blue folded cover with red "London, Paid, 25 Jul 1856" cds and matching inspector's mark, red manuscript "6" pence rating, carried by Cunard Line Canada from Liverpool to Halifax, St. John's (8.19) arrival backstamp and red "1" pence credit struck for Newfoundland share, Very Fine and attractive.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $230

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Lot 1236    

Nova Scotia, 1857 (Sep. 22) Charlottetown P.E.I. to Ayr, Scotland, gray folded letter with rimless "Prince Edward Island, SE 22, 1857" backstamp and "6" d.stg. due rating, carried by Cunard Line Europa from Halifax to Liverpool arriving Oct. 3rd, reverse with "Pkt. Letter, Liverpool, OC 3 1857" tombstone and green "Ayr, Oct 5 1857" arrival cds, Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Lot 1237    

Nova Scotia, 1857 (Dec. 4) London, England to Charlottetown P.E.I., gray cover with London (12.4) origin crown cds and red inspector's "X" mark, Liverpool (12.5) transit, carried by Cunard Line Canada from Liverpool to Halifax, reverse with "Prince Edward Island, DE 21 1857" rimless cds and "9" d.cy. due rating handstamp, Very Fine and choice, ex-Saint.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Lot 1238


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Lot 1239    

Nova Scotia, 1858 (Feb. 28) Trieste, Austria to Lunenburg, N.S., yellow cover bearing Austria 1858, 2Kr. yellow (two), 10Kr. brown and 15kr. blue (two), each tied by centrally struck "Triest, 28/2" cds, reverse with Lehrte (3.2) and Berlin-Minden Railway (3.2) backstamps, red "Aachen, Paid 25 Cts., 4/3" exchange cds with 25¢ credit to U.S. by Prussian Closed Mail, carried by Hapag Tutonia from Southampton to New York arriving Mar. 20th, red "N. York, Am. Pkt. 'Paid' Mar 20" exchange cds, red "U. States / C" arc framed exchange handstamp, carried by Cunard Line Canada from Boston to Halifax arriving Apr. 5th; flap mostly missing, Very Fine; with 2012 Bottacchi and 2012 Ferchenbauer certificates.
Estimate    $5,000 - 7,500.


Realized: $4,500

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Lot 1240    

Nova Scotia, 1858 (Sep. 23) Plymouth, England to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, datelined folded letter with "Plymouth, SP 23 58" origin cds, endorsed "via Halifax", Liverpool (9.24) backstamps, carried by Cunard Line Canada to Halifax, reverse with rimless "Prince Edward Island, OC 9 1858" arrival cds and manuscript "1/6 cy" and "1/- stg" due rating, Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Lot 1241    

Nova Scotia, 1859 (Dec. 15) Halifax, N.S. to Cognac, France, blue datelined folded letter with red "Halifax, Paid, Dec 15, 1859" tombstone with manuscript "10" d.cy. rating and "7" d.cy. credit to G.b. (4d transatlantic, 1d GB and 2d to France), carried by Cunard Europa to Queenstown arriving Dec. 25th, red London Paid (12.26) transit cds and matching "PD" in circle handstamp, Calais (12.27) entry cds, reverse with Paris (12.27) transit and Cognac (12.28) arrival cds; some aging, Fine.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

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Lot 1242    

Nova Scotia, 1862 (Jun. 9) St. John, N.B. to Liverpool, England, blue folded letter bearing N.B. 1860, 12½ blue (10) tied by St. John "1" oval grid cancel, St. John (6.9) backstamp, endorsed "Via Halifax", carried by Cunard Line Europa from Halifax to Queenstown, Liverpool (6.22) arrival backstamp, Very Fine; signed with "W.H.C." (Colson" backstamp, with 2016 Greene Foundation certificate.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

With the introduction of the new currency, the rate was 12½¢. The same rate applied to letters sent with the Canadian Mail Packet unless sent via Portland in winter when the rate was 17¢ (inclusive of U.S. transit postage of 4¢).

Realized: $300

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Lot 1243    

Nova Scotia, 1863 (Jan. 20) London, England to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, blue cover bearing G.B. 2d deep blue (29), three singles, each tied by bold "12" oval grids, London (1.20) backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Europa from Liverpool to Halifax, Prince Edward Island (2.12) arrival backstamp; flap tear, Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Lot 1244    

Nova Scotia, 1863 (Apr. 1) Bend of Petitcodiac, N.B. to Liverpool, England, orange cover bearing N.B. 1860 12½¢ blue (10), tied by oval grid cancel, reverse with Bend of Petitcodiac (4.1) and Sackville backstamps, red "New Brunswick Paid" script straightline, carried by Cunard Line Canada from Halifax to Queenstown arriving Apr. 25th, Liverpool (4.27) arrival backstamp; flap torn, 12½¢ trivial toned perf, a Very Fine 12½¢ packet rate use, ex-Lichtenstein, Wilkinson.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

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Lots 1225-1234 Lots 1235-1244 Lots 1245-1253

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