1919, 3¢ Victory, deep red violet, o.g., never hinged, rich distinctive deep red violet color, Fine and rare; with 1984 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 537a $2,400 for the grade of fine.
Realized: $850

Lot 1815 o
1923, 1¢ green, rotary press sheet waste, perf 11, "Binghamton, New York" precancel, rich color, repaired top right corner and a couple short perfs at lower right, Fine appearance, an affordable example of this scarce coil waste; with 1973 A.P.S. certificate.Scott Nos. 544 $3,500 for the grade of fine.
Realized: $575

1921, 1¢ green & 2¢ carmine, rotary press coil waste, perf 11, o.g., never hinged, rich colors and matched centering, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 545-546 $780.
Realized: $375


1921, 1¢ green, rotary press coil waste, perf 11, top margin plate no. "13931" block of 4 with star, o.g., never hinged, well centered for this notoriously off-centered plate, bright and fresh, Very Fine, a tough plate this nice. Scott Nos. 545 $2,850.
Realized: $600


1921, 2¢ carmine rose, rotary press coil waste, perf 11, top margin plate no. "12460" block of 4 with "S 30", o.g., never hinged, rich bright color, fresh and Fine. Scott Nos. 546 $1,300.
Realized: $270

Lot 1819 o
1921, 2¢ carmine rose, rotary press coil waste, perf 11, well centered for this difficult stamp, deep rich color, machine cancel, Very Fine and scarce used stamp; with 1984 P.F. certificate.Scott Nos. 546 $190.
Realized: $110

1920, $2 carmine & black, o.g., neatly hinged once, precision centering amid large evenly balanced margins, both colors deep and rich on bright fresh paper, an Extremely Fine to Superb jumbo, a striking jumbo gem; with 2007 & 2015 P.S.E. certificates, both Graded (XF-Sup 95J, SMQ $375). Scott Nos. 547 $125.
Realized: $400

1920, $2 carmine & black, top margin plate number single, o.g., never hinged, rich deep colors, fresh and Very Fine to Extremely Fine; with 2003 P.F. & 2019 P.S.E. certificates, the latter Graded (VF-XF 85, SMQ $335). Scott Nos. 547 $275.
Realized: $350