China, Mint Balance Collection, 1897-1949, attractive mint collection in one stockbook with some better singles and sets, plus a couple of used stamps are noted such as 4c Red Revenue (Sc. #82, clipped perfs at B), mint includes five different values of the 1897 Dowager 1½mm Surcharges, nice range of the 1921-29 Issues, complete set of the 19448-49 Surcharges (Sc. #828-82) and a nice range of Airmails issues, condition is very nice overall, please4 inspect 2023 Scott over $5677). Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $4,750
China, Balance Collection, attractive collection of mainly mint singles & sets, strength in China-People's Republic Liberated Areas & Chinese Provinces, included is Fukien 13-17, Manchuria 1-32, Sinkiang 1-16, 47-67, Szechwan C1-C6, Liberated Areas include Northeast China 1L37-1L40, 1L55-1L57, 1L58-1L72, North China 3L9-3L23, Port Arthur & Dairen 2L8, 2L57(two), 2L68, 2L69, 2L70-2L71, Northwest China 4L1-4L5, generally FineEstimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $6,250
China, Collection, beautiful collection of 161 Sun Yat-sen issues on pages, great for the specialist with many different printings. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350
China, and Related Post Office Seals, 1899-2000s, collection of stamps and 38 covers including China, PRC and Manchukuo, stamps start with OX, OX2, OX3, OX5, etc.; covers mostly PRC uses but start with OX9 on cover and one Manchukuo use, F.-V.F., a nice collection. Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $2,100
China, Collection, housed on album and stock pages in three binders; collection virtually all mint with Empire issues sparse with some better including 1888 Small Dragons complete, nice second type 2¢ on 3¢ Red Revenue issue, Scott #158 with cert., good showing of Yat-sen issues, some good later Republic issues including 1960 Paintings, 1861-62 Art sets missing only one, 1962 Emperors, etc., semi-postals with used 1944 Refugee sheet, useful airmails and dues, Taiwan including first issues complete, etc., PRC similar sparse with some better sets and souvenir sheets, etc., includes additional */o stock; worth review. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,200

China, Stamp Mosaic Post Cards, ca. 1930's, group of 8 unused hand-painted mosaic cards, people and boat scenes, all skillfully executed, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180
China, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Issue Accumulation, 1940-46, an array of issues on album, stock and auction pages; includes a study of 1940-41 Regional surcharge issues in multiples, also an additional study of the 1942-43 Central Trust Printing issues including scarce imperf between items, 1942 50c Regional Surcharges worth checking, with many better items on auction pages, nice showing of on cover usages and some other China material; worth proper evaluation. Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $2,800
China, Better Postal History Group, 1948-55, of 16 items; most 1948-49 usages including 1949 aerogramme (Han #3) to Los Angeles franked with $500 Sun Yat-sen block of 20 and single (great message on communist), 1949 air cover to Boston franked with $100,000/$30,000 (#880B) block of 20 tied by Kushan cds's (Gold Yuan issue used in Silver Yuan period), 1949 (April 29) Pingnan to N.Y. with $41,000 franking (first day of the Silver Yuan rate), 3 National Currency issue usages including $1,000,000 solo Shanghai correctly paying foreign airmail post card rate (rate for 77 days only), $3,000,000 solo (= Gold Yuan $1) usage from Tientsin 25.11.48 (National currency stamp used in Gold Yuan period) and $4,050,000 rate (= Gold Yuan $1.35) Shanghai 19.11.48 last day of this rate (14 day only rate), also three National currency & Gold Yuan mixed currency frankings, 1949 Silver Yuan 55c airmail letter rate from Chungking, 3 good Stamp Exhibition issue usages, 1949 registered air cover with 65 copies of the $5000 Sun Yat-sen including block of 45 Kulangsu to U.S. with Amoy registry label, also a 1955 P.R.C. monetary reform post card usage Dairen to Czechoslovakia franked with Scott #89+211; nice group of scarce items. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $1,350
China, Flight Cover Group, 1920-30's, group of 25 covers and cards; includes couple 1929 Shanghai-Nanking flight with the complete 1929 Airmail set, a return flight, nice, 1931 Nanking-Peiping printed cachet flight covers and cards, Canton-Wuchow Regular Service flight, 1932 Von Grouau Round the World flight (some cover toning), 1931 Shanghai-Berlin Eurasia cachet cover and a nice showing of later flights. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $3,750
China, Revenue Collection, collection/stock housed on stockpages in 8 albums; an array of material with strength in 1940's issues including some heavy duplicated stock Consolidated Tax 1948 Transportation scene issues in strips, lots of on document usages with mix issue frankings, some Charity issues, local issues, 1940 Commodity issues, 1940's Repackaged Wine & Tobacco, later surcharge issues including on document, also some Cinderella and Treaty Port issues; lots of material, please inspect for full evaluation. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $2,900