Mexico, Acapulco Group of Four, ½r-2r all used, plus one ½r (mint with o.g.) with the district name, which is exceptional, F.-V.F. Scott No. 6, 6a-8c Estimate $250 - 350.
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Realized: $220

Lot 544 o
Mexico, Aguascalientes Collection, twenty one stamps and two attractive covers (2r without name and with long name). Includes three ½r (Follansbee $350 each), seven items with "AGUASCALTES" names and "0" cancels (Schatzkes 12), eight 1r or 2r with long name, a quadrisect 8r tied to small piece. Unoverprinted 1r and 2r have different cancels, F.-V.F.; two items have M.E.P.S.I. certificates (Scott No. 6-8, 7b, 8c, 11b).Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $800

Mexico, Apam Collection, of seventeen with remainder cancels including ½r, two 2r and three 8r with district overprints, plus the most interesting is a mint 1r "Habilitado" having both district names of APAM and MEXICO (cut into a bit, but rare), there are five with Eagle period names ("curiosities"), generally F.-V.F. Scott No. 6-8, 11 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $220

Mexico, Campeche Collection, excellent group including mint 1r single and 2r pair, and 21 used displaying a fine range of cancels, ten of which are various numerals, five are 4r black on yellow, Nice quality, nearly all Very Fine. Scott No. 6-9 Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $850

Lot 547 o
Mexico, Chalco Group, excellent group of 11 stamps plus a nice 2r cover (tied by Mexico Diligencias oval), includes a ½r, two 2r, the rest 1r including one Tlayacapa (Schatzkes 107), other cancels include Chalco wreath (Schatzkes 86), Ayotla, Amecameca & more, Nice quality, most Very Fine.Scott No. 6-8 Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $575

Lot 548 o
Mexico, Chiapas Group, magnificent group all cancelled two line Franco en Tonala (Schatzkes 130), included are a ½r single, pair and piece with margin strip of 3, plus 1r single & strip of 3 on piece, three 2r, piece with 1r and 4r, 4r pair with name, nice 4r and 8r (!) tied to separate pieces, nearly all Very Fine.Scott No. 6-9, 7b-9b, 11d Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $700

Lot 549 o
Mexico, Chiapas Collection, of 43 stamps, nine are ½r and seven are 4r. included are 11 pieces and displaying eight different cancels, both in blue and black, generally F.-V.F.Scott No. 6-9, 6a-9a Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $900

Lot 550 o
Mexico, Chiapas Group, all cancelled fancy blue San Cristobal (Schatzkes 114), including beautiful 4r pair and three pieces one with 2r, one with 1r + 2r and last with 1r + 4r, Very Fine.Scott No. 7-9 Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $400

Lot 551 o
Mexico, Chiapas Group, of nine items including ½r single and pair (latter without district name) and two lovely 4r with and without name, all cancelled fancy of Tuxla (Schatzkes 132), all in blue except one in black, Very Fine.Scott No. 6-9, 6a, 7b, 9b Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $375

Lot 552 o
Mexico, Chiapas Group, three cancelled double oval Pichucalco (Schatzkes 127), included is a 2r and beautiful 4r tied to separate fragments (brownish cancels), plus a loose 4r with red cancel (poor strike but extremely rare and said to be an 1866 provisional usage), overall Very Fine.Scott No. 8c, 9b Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $650