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Sale 122: The Dr. James Milgram Collection Steamboat Mail

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Steamboat Markings - Fish Hawk to Gen'l Taylor (Milgram #456B-505A)

Lots 304-313 Lots 314-323 Lots 324-333 Lots 334-339

Lot 304    

Steamer "Fish Hawk", printed corner card of the "U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries" on 1884 legal size Penalty envelope to Germantown, Pa., franked with 2¢ Bank Note tied by Washington, D.C. duplex cancel, vert. file fold, F.-V.F. and rare, Unlisted in Milgram.
Milgram No. 456B    Estimate $100 - 150.

all lots for this sale will be subject to a 18% buyer's premium

Current Opening Bid: $50

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Lot 305    

Fleetwood (Ohio River), fancy illustrated corner card on cover to South Norwalk, Conn., franked with 1869 3¢ Pictorial (114) tied by blue target with matching "Cincinnati, O., Mar. 31" cds alongside, slightly trimmed at right, Very Fine, a lovely item with great eye appeal, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 458    Estimate $400 - 600.

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Current Opening Bid: $325

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Lot 306    

Louisville and Cincinnati U.S. Mail Line, Steamer Fleetwood, printed corner card on 1884 cover to Newton, Mass., franked with 2¢ Bank Note tied by "Cincinnati, O. Sep 24" duplex cancel, included is original matching printed letterhead, Very Fine.
Milgram No. 458A    Estimate $150 - 200.

all lots for this sale will be subject to a 18% buyer's premium

Current Opening Bid: $80

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Lot 307    

Steamer Fleetwood, magenta two line straightline on 1884 2¢ entire to Cincinnati, Ohio, slightly reduced at left with part of left flap torn away, Very Fine, unlisted in Milgram.
Milgram No. 458B    Estimate $100 - 150.

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Current Opening Bid: $50

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Lot 308    

Regular Passenger Packet Fleta (Mississippi River), complete blue oval handstamp on stampless cover to Carrollton, La., magenta manuscript docketing "Denmark, La. April 22, 1872", edge faults and soiling, also includes two different printed freight bills, Fine and thought to be the only recorded example of this marking, marking Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 459    Estimate $150 - 200.

all lots for this sale will be subject to a 18% buyer's premium

Current Opening Bid: $80

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Lot 309    

Steamer Flora, Gummond's Mackinaw Line, Steamers Flora and Atlantic (Great Lakes), overall light gray illustration on cover to Mackinac, Mich, franked with 1883 2¢ Bank Note (210) tied by "Detroit, Mich Nov 29, 1884" duplex, cover torn away across top, Fine.
Milgram No. 461    Estimate $50 - 75.

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Current Opening Bid: $30

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Lot 310    

S.B. F.M. Streck (Mississippi River & Coast), complete red boxed handstamp on 1849 folded letter to New Orleans, La., datelined "Office Canal & Boating Company, Donaldson, La.", additional red "Paid F.A. Dentzel Agt. for N.O.P.O." oval handstamp with manuscript endorsement at bottom left, horizontal file fold, includes two printed bill heads, Very Fine, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 463    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Current Opening Bid: $100

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Lot 311    

Steamer Forester, Ward's Line Steamers (Great Lakes), complete red "Jul 9 1860" red cds on cover to Racine Wisc, franked with three 1857 1¢ blue (24) singles, all tied by "Detroit Mich., Jul. 9, 1860, 3 Paid" cds's and "Steamboat" straightline, bottom stamp with minor rounded corner, flap missing, Very Fine and choice.
Milgram No. 464    Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.


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Current Opening Bid: $625

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Lot 312    

Packet Forest Queen (Ohio River), complete blue green oval handstamp on cover to Devay La., colorless embossed corner card of Cincinnati merchant at top left, 1855 docketing at right, Very Fine and attractive, the only recorded example, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 465    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Current Opening Bid: $150

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Lot 313    

Steam Packet Franklin (Lake Champlain), complete red circular handstamp on 1832 folded letter from Burlington to Albany, manuscript "B" (Boat) and 18¾ rate, Very Fine and choice, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 470    Estimate $400 - 600.

The Sherman family commenced steamboat services on Champlain Lake in 1812 and formed the Champlain Transportation Co. in 1825. From 1834, they were contracted to carry mails between Rouses Point and Whitehall, and later from St. John L.(ower)C.(anada). The Champlain Transportation company was the first inland water steamboat operator to employ a Name-of-Boat cachet with the "Franklin" recorded from 1831.

all lots for this sale will be subject to a 18% buyer's premium

Current Opening Bid: $450

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Lots 304-313 Lots 314-323 Lots 324-333 Lots 334-339

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