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Sale 122: The Dr. James Milgram Collection Steamboat Mail

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Steamboat Markings - Admiral to Assumption (Milgram #4-69B)

Lots 21-30 Lots 31-40 Lots 41-50 Lots 51-56

Lot 21    

Steamer Admiral (Mississippi, Ouachita and Black Rivers), straight-line handstamp, bold and complete straightline on 1847 folded letter from New Orleans to "Black River (near Trinity) La.", also included is 1847 printed freight bill, Extremely Fine, ex-Haas, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 4    Estimate $750 - 1,000.


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Current Opening Bid: $375

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Lot 22    

Regular Wednesday & Saturday, Packet Advance (Alabama River), bold and complete blue ornate oval on 1853-55 3¢ Nesbitt to Demopolis, Ala., sealed slit through indicia well away from this Gem strike, Extremely Fine appearance.
Milgram No. 11    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Current Opening Bid: $100

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Lot 23    

Steamer A. Fuselier (Mississippi River), oval handstamp on part folded letter to (Western Military Institute) Brennon Springs, Ky., manuscript "Via Louisville", franked with 1851 3¢ Dull Red barely tied by cork cancel with two strikes of red New Orleans, La. cds, attractive Very Fine appearance.
Milgram No. 15    Estimate $150 - 200.

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Current Opening Bid: $200

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Lot 24    

Steamer A. Fuselier (Mississippi River), red oval on 1853-55 3¢ Nesbitt entire to New Orleans, postmarked partial New Orleans cds and "Steam" straight line, F.-V.F.
Milgram No. 16    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Current Opening Bid: $100

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Lot 25    

A.G. Brown, Regular Lower Coast Packet, Apr 25 1867 (Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico), double circle handstamp on 1864-65 3¢ entire to New York, postmarked "New Orleans, La. Apr 26" cds, also included is 1867 freight bill printed in purple, Very Fine, the only recorded example, ex-Somdal, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 17    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Current Opening Bid: $150

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Lot 26    

Regular U.S. Mail Packet Between Wheeling and Parkersburg., Albemarle (Ohio River), printed boxed corner card on cover to Muscatine, Iowa, franked with 1857 1¢ Blue (24, pair & single) tied by blue grids with matching "Wheeling, Va. Sep 28" cds at right, left single folded over edge of cover, some minor cover wrinkles, Very Fine and a rare packet cover, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 22    Estimate $500 - 750.

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Current Opening Bid: $250

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Lot 27    

Steamer Aleck Scott St. Louis (Mississippi River), bold but light complete red negative circular handstamp on 1850 folded letter from St. Louis to Natchez, Miss., cleaned & couple mends mainly along file fold, also included is 1845 printed freight bill, F.-V.F. appearance.
Milgram No. 23    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Current Opening Bid: $100

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Lot 28    

Steamer Alhambra (Ohio & Mississippi Rivers), decent strike of this elusive fancy handstamp showing good detail, on 1849 folded letter from New Orleans to Madison, Ind., postmarked blue Louisville Ky. Feb. 20 cds with integral "5" rate, Very Fine, a nice strike of this fancy packet boat marking, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 27    Estimate $500 - 750.

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Current Opening Bid: $250

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Lot 29    

Bayou Lafourche Packet Alice LeBlanc, complete purple six line straightline on 1¢ Postal card (UX8) to New Orleans, datelined "Napoleonville(?) June 3, '87", vert. crease, otherwise Very Fine.
Milgram No. 28B    Estimate $150 - 200.

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Current Opening Bid: $80

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Lot 30    

Regular Saturday Packet, Alice Vivian, for Demopolis & Merriwether's Landing (Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers), bold and complete blue oval on 1853-55 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Demopolis, Ala., second bold strike on reverse, minor edge soiling, Extremely Fine and attractive.
Milgram No. 29    Estimate $400 - 600.

The "Alice Vivian", a 376 ton side wheeler built at New Albany, Ind. in 1856, home port Mobile Ala. Captured as a Confederate steamer and renamed the "South", February 3, 1866 and was abandoned in 1867.

all lots for this sale will be subject to a 18% buyer's premium

Current Opening Bid: $200

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Lots 21-30 Lots 31-40 Lots 41-50 Lots 51-56

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