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Sale 123: The Civil War Sale

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Arkansas Steamboats

Lots 2033-2036

Lot 2033    

Forest City, Vicksburg & Napoleon, U.S. Mail Packet, red oval handstamp on cover to Elcho, La., lack of postage and postal markings suggests this cover contained a bill of lading and thus transmitted free of postage charge, Very Fine and rare.
Milgram No. unlisted    Estimate $200 - 300.

Napoleon was a major transfer point at the mouth of the Arkansas River. Much of the river transported mail from the northern half of Arkansas passed onto the Mississippi River at Napoleon.

The packet "Forest City", built in Brownsville, Pa. in 1851, is listed on the Vicksburg & Napoleon route (Star Route #8167) from August to December 1858 when the contract belonged to William Porterfield.

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Lot 2034    

Steamer Latona, red octagonal handstamp on 1852 folded letter from Pine Bluff, Ark. to New Orleans, La., entered the mails with red "New Orleans, La., Apr 16" cds with matching "Steam 5" in circle handstamp, Very Fine.
Milgram No. 771    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $110

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Lot 2035    

Ouachita Packet New World, red oval handstamp on 1852 folded bill of lading from New Orleans, La. to Pigeon Hill, Ark. Very Fine. Milgram No. 1001.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

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Lot 2036    

Arkansas Packets/Inland Waterway Cover Balance, exhibit balance of 11 covers; includes 5 manuscript packet endorsed entires, Mississippi river with "Belle Lee" and "Henry Ames", Arkansas & St, Francis rivers with "Geo. D. Palmer", "Quick Time" and "Des Arc", and 5 entires with packet handstamps from the Ouachita River with steamers including "Idahoe" (2 different), "Welcome", "Mayflower" and "Rapides"; condition varies with many nice strikes and covers throughout.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Lots 2033-2036

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