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Sale 123: The Civil War Sale

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Confederate States & Union Occupation Cover Groups

Lots 2086-2089

Lot 2086    

Arkansas "Independent State" Cover Balance, exhibit balance of 9 covers; with seven covers from various Arkansas towns to various seceded states, cover from Little Rock mailed four days before secession and cover from Confederate Montgomery, Ala. (U.S. #26 frank) to Independent Osceola, Ark.; condition varies.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $190

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Lot 2087    

Arkansas Stampless Postal History Balance, exhibit balance of 12 covers; with postmarks from towns including Arkadelphia, Barkada manuscript, Camden, Fort Smith, Lake Village, Little Rock, Van Buren, Luda manuscript and Osceola, also some military carried including one to Brig. Genl. Stand White in Indian territory; condition varies.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Realized: $200

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Lot 2088    

Arkansas Confederate Postal History Balance, exhibit balance of 10 franked covers; includes two 1862, 5¢ blue (4) usage with single from Fort Smith and pair tied by Des Arc cds on wallpaper cover (both faulty), 1862, 5¢ blue usages (6-7) with pair usages from Camden and Little Rock, later 10¢ usages with nice incoming from Shreveport, La. and pair on cover from Monticello, etc.; condition is mixed.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

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Realized: $280

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Lot 2089    

Arkansas Union Occupation Postal History Balance, 1862-65, exhibit balance of 19 covers; with 5 covers posted in Memphis, Tenn. from soldiers in Arkansas carried to the Memphis office, with enclosures and endorsements from Batesville, Helena, Napoleon and Little Rock, few incoming usages including patriotic, and civilian restored service from Little Rock including U.S. Christian Commission corner card and due drop rate, other usages from Fort Smith including rare straight line postmark, Pine Bluff and Helena, also an Adams Express money package from Little Rock; condition varies with many nice strikes and covers throughout.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Realized: $575

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Lots 2086-2089

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