Confederacy, (Greenville C.H., S.C.), "Paid 2" manuscript rate on drop cover to Greenville C.H., S.C., Very Fine and attractive.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Confederacy, Greenville C.H., S.C. Jan. 9, double circle postmark with matching "Paid" & "5" handstamps on cover to Pickens C.H., S.C. with printed corner card for Marble Dealer, Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $260

Confederacy, (Greenville C.H., S.C.), address on cover endorsed "Politeness of Wm. Pickett" and "Due 2" drop rating, with enclosure from private Thomas Goodlett to his father with interesting content in part…"We are under orders to march at a minutes warning. General Longstreet sent a dispatch to general Bonham last night that the Yankees was burning up Alexandria. We can hear them firing cannons at Washington every day."; light cover wear, F.-V.F.Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $400

Confederacy, Greenville C.H., S.C., discernible cds with matching "Paid" and "10" rate handstamp on 1864 turned cover to Ninety Six, S.C., with printed boxed "The Sunday School Board of South's Bapt. Convention, Greenville, S.C." advertising corner card, inside usage to Columbia, S.C. franked with 1862, 10¢ blue, horizontal pair (7) tied by pencil cancel (no origin postmark); small ink erosion hole at upper left affecting corner card, F.-V.F.Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $425

Confederacy, Greenville C.H., S.C., double circle postmark on adversity folded entire (made from bond contract, folded for display) to Smithville, S.C., franked with 1861 5¢ green (1) with neat pen cancel, four margins, small corner crease at lower right, Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

Confederacy, Greenville C.H., S.C. Aug. 30, cds 1862 5¢ bright blue (7) pair on cover to Tumbling Shoals, S.C. with second manuscript cancelled pair in blue shade, manuscript notation "W.D. Sullivan's package", second pair blue probably paying double weight or package delivery fee, Very Fine and unusual.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210

Confederacy, Greenville C.H., S.C. Nov. 23, cds ties 1862 5¢ blue pair (7) on neat turned cover to Charleston, re-used with 1863-64 10¢ blue (12) tied by Charleston, S.C. Nov. 19 cds back to Greenville, S.C., Very Fine and attractive.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

Confederacy, (Greenville C.H., S.C.), cover from Virginia franked with 1862 5¢ blue pair (7) tied by Staunton, Va. cds to Greenville, S.C., forwarded with manuscript "Ford" and handstamp "10" of Greenville to Frog Level, S.C., slightly reduced at right, Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180

Confederacy, Greenville C.H., S.C. Jan 5, double circle postmark with matching "Paid 10" handstamps (Dietz type 1B) on turned cover to Columbia, S.C., turned and franked franked with 1863-64 10¢ blue (11) tied by blue Columbia, S.C. cds to Charleston, Very Fine, ex-Emerson.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170

Confederacy, Greenville C.H., S.C., cds ties 1863 20¢ Green diagonal bisect on cover to Aiken, S.C., faint horizontal crease at bottom of adhesive, still Very Fine; with 1958 P.F. certificate.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $725