Confederacy, (New Centre P.O., S.C.), addressing on three incoming soldier endorsed covers from Pursley correspondence; one with Charleston, S.C. cds and large "10" rate handstamp, another with red "10" in circle handstamp (probably from Danville, Va.) and one with "10" rate handstamp from Chatanooga, Tenn.; some tone spots, F.-V.F.Estimate $100 - 150.
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Realized: $160

Confederacy, New Market Depot, S.C., "P.&C.R.R." address on incoming cover franked with 1862, 5¢ light blue, vertical pair (6) tied by "Richmond, Va., Aug 29, 1862" cds, with manuscript "P.M. will please forward to Millway by the Millway carrier In haste"; cover staining, right edge repair, missing two flaps and small stamp flaw, Fine appearance, ex-Kohn.Estimate $200 - 300.
The "Millway Carrier" notation has always been somewhat of a mystery. Pre-war and CSA covers are both known with the "Millway Carrier" notation. "Millway" was also the name of a plantation in that area. The late Dick Krieger wrote a two-part article on the "Millway Carrier" notation which appeared in the May-June and July-August 1988 issues of the Confederate Philatelist. In his article, he outlines the very confusing mail routes in the Millway region of the Abbeville District and points out that the "Millway" notation is seen only on covers addressed to New Market, SC. New Market was a depot on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad some 15-20 miles distant from Millway. Neither New Market nor Millway appear on a current map of South Carolina. He further concluded that the notation was a routing instruction applied by the sender to make certain that the letters were carried on to Millway by the official government mail routes, thus this was not a private carrier service. There has been some speculation among SC Postal Historians that a slave from the plantation may have been used at least part of the time to bring the mail from New Market to Millway, but this remains as speculation and has not been proven.

Confederacy, New Market, S.C. March 19, 1863, manuscript postmark with matching "Paid 10" rate on cover to Pickens C.H., S.C., with original enclosure, Very Fine (Stets & Teal Rarity 7), ex-Cantey.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

Confederacy, Newberry C.H., S.C., Jun. 7 (1861), red cds on on patriotic cover with red, white and blue 7-Star Patriotic Flag design (Type F7-18), addressed to Scuffletown, S.C., included is original enclosure which mentions volunteers going by train to Virginia and there is nothing but talk of war, minor cover stain, Very Fine and attractive.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500

Confederacy, Newberry C.H., S.C. Sept 26, 1862, 26mm double circle postmark ties four margin 1861-62 10¢ blue (2) on cover to Willow Swamp, S.C., Extremely Fine, choice stamp and cover.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $270

Confederacy, Newberry C.H., S.C., 26mm cds on eight covers; one in red with matching "Paid" straight line and "5" in circle handstamps, and in black, one with "Paid" and crude woodcut "10" rate handstamps, three with "Paid" and manuscript "10" rate, another with "Paid" and "X" rate, and cds tying 1863, 10¢ blue (11) on cover to Americus, Ga. with manuscript "Through" endorsement (cover opening tear), and a 30mm cds in red with "Paid" and X rate, F.-V.F.Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $450

Confederacy, Nine(ty) 6 (South Carolina) Jun 17, manuscript with "5" (Paid) rate alongside on 11 Star Flag Patriotic (Dietz Type F11-8) with center star for Tennessee design on cover to Mississippi, Very Fine and a scarce design, ex-Cantey.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $750

Confederacy, Ninety Six, S.C., 32mm cds on two covers; one in green with matching "Paid 5" handstamp on cover to Chappells, S.C. (opening edge tear at top and backflap replaced), another in black tying large margin 1863, 10¢ blue (11) on 1864 cover to Greenville, with enclosure, also includes manuscript "96 S.C., Dec 15" postmark on cover to Greenwood with manuscript "Paid 10" rate, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $170

Confederacy, Oakway, S.C., two covers with manuscript postmark, one in black and one in blue, both addressed to Pickens C.H., S.C., one with manuscript "5" rate & other with manuscript "10" rate,c over with blue manuscript postmark with small tape stain, F.-V.F., a rare town (Stets & Teal Rarity 8), ex-Cantey.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $140

Confederacy, Oconee Station, S.C. 18th Aug., manuscript postmark with matching "Paid 5" rate on folded letter sheet to Greenwood, S.C., Very Fine, a very rare town (Stets & Teal Rarity 9).Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160