Cape of Good Hope, 1858, 1d rose. Pair, o.g., large margins, bright color, Very Fine and choice. SG No. 5a. Scott No. 3 $1,000.
Realized: $850

Cape of Good Hope, 1858, 1s bright yellow green. Pair, full o.g., ample to mostly large margins, bright color, fresh and Very Fine, a handsome and scarce mint multiple. SG No. 8. Scott No. 6 $5,400 as singles.
Realized: $3,000

Lot 2324 o
Cape of Good Hope, 1861, 4d pale milky blue "Wood Block". Neat grid cancel, margins close to shaving, about Fine. SG No. 14.Scott No. 9 $1,750.
Realized: $325

Lot 2325 o
Cape of Good Hope, 1861, 4d pale milky blue "Wood Block". Grid cancel, clear to mostly large margins, light creases, F.-V.F. appearance. SG No. 14.Scott No. 9 $1,750.
Realized: $280

Lot 2326 o
Cape of Good Hope, 1861, 4d pale milky blue "Wood Block". Grid cancel, large margins to just in at bottom, strong color, corner crease at bottom right, otherwise Fine. SG No. 14.Scott No. 9 $1,750.
Realized: $290

Lot 2327 o
Cape of Good Hope, 1861, 4d pale milky blue "Wood Block". Grid cancel, large margins to just in at bottom, creases, Fine appearance. SG No. 14.Scott No. 9 $1,750.
Realized: $300

Cayman Islands, 1909 registered cover to London. Franked with 1907-09 5sh green & red on yellow tied by "Georgetown" postmark, sent via Mobile, Ala. with a rare example of their registry label affixed, as well as a New York registry label, backstamped magenta Mobile, Ala. Reg. Div. double circle, New York transit & London arrival, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 28 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900

Cayman Islands, 1908, 1s-10s KEVII high values. Full o.g., fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 29-30 $240.
Realized: $120

Cayman Islands, 1935-36, ¼d-10s KGV commemorative set complete. O.g., lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 85-96 $214.
Realized: $105

Cook Islands, 1932, 1d KGV, imperf. Complete sheet of 80, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine (no photo). Scott No. 85 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $150