Greece, 1862-64, 10L orange + 80L carmine. Overlapping and tied by Patras cds's on an 1867 folded letter from Manchester, England to Patras, marked "via Brindisi" behind the adhesives, and with London, Brindisi, Corfu and Patras backstamps, also two disinfection slits, F.-V.F. Scott No. 19+22 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $120

Greece, 1875, 1L red brown. Pane of 80, o.g., never hinged, rich color, sheet margin faults, gum wrinkling and horiz and vert creases between stamps, fresh and F.-V.F., a scarce multiple (no photo). Scott No. 43c $2,000 for hinged singles.
Realized: $525

Greenland, 1945, 10öre-5kr Liberation complete, scarcer overprint colors. O.g., Very Fine. Facit No. 22v2-27v2. Scott No. 22a-27a $725.
Realized: $325

Greenland, Parcel Post, 1915, 2öre yellow. O.g., lightly hinged, Very Fine. Facit No. P5. Scott No. Q2 $325.
Realized: $150

Greenland, Parcel Post, 1930, 70öre violet. O.g., never hinged, fresh and pristine, Extremely Fine, choice this nice. Facit No. P10. Scott No. Q7a $250 for hinged.
Realized: $240

Haiti, 1797 ship letter to Philadelphia. Folded letter with "Jacmel South Side Hispaniola, Nov 14" dateline, manuscript "Sh. 24" rate and "Capt. Spangs" endorsement, "Providence" straight line handstamp (32mm, unrecorded in ASCC) with manuscript "Dec 27" alongside (presumably arrival date), Jacmel occupied by black rebel General Rigaud Dec. 1794 to July 1802, no postmarks used in this period, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $250

Haiti, 1873 folded cover to New York. Franked with Great Britain 1858-69 2d blue horiz. pair cancelled by numeral "C59" in barred oval with red British Post Office cds of "Jacmel" alongside, pair tied on arrival by "N.Y. Steamship/10" cds, Very Fine and choice; with 1982 Holcombe certificate. Scott No. 30 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $750

Lot 2550 o
Iceland, 1897, large "þrir/3" on 5a green, perf 14x13½. Town cancel, nicely centered, couple trivial nibbed perfs at top and upper left, F.-V.F., an attractive example of this rare key stamp; with 1994 Dr. A. Debo certificate. Facit No. 33.Scott No. 31a $3,900.
Realized: $900

Lot 2551 o
Iceland, 1897, small "þrir/3" on 5a green, perf 14x13½. Tied on small piece by neat purple Keflavik town cancel, well centered, strong color, fresh, Extremely Fine, a choice example of this very scarce stamp; with 1975 S. Gronland certificate. Facit No. 32.Scott No. 32b $2,250.
Realized: $625

Iceland, Airmail, 1930 Parliament Millenium complete. O.g., very lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine. Facit No. 189-193. Scott No. C4-C8 $213.
Realized: $70