[Canada] Newfoundland airmail postal history, 1929-33. 5 covers; including Canada/Newfld combination franking on Stephenville Crossing - Grand Falls - St. John's flight (AAMC 22), Experimental Flight, White Bay District - Hampden to St. John's (AAMC 24f), Earlier airmails with 15cts single rate from St Johns commemorating 10 years of the first transatlantic flight with appropriately #156 15cts. Other covers from the period include Caribous with 55cts rate registered airmail to Labrador, a 15cts internal rate from St Johns to St Anthonys 29th Jan 1931 via Conche. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $190
[Canada] Newfoundland flight covers, 1931. 5 covers; includes 3 White Bay District experimental flight covers, St. John's-North Sydney, N.S. flight, etc. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $250
[Canada] Newfoundland 1933 airmail issues on cover. 8 covers; includes 75¢ pair on registered Wabush-Katsao 1st flight cover as well as others from flights, 5¢ & 10¢ issues on 1st day, few 1939 Trans-Atlantic flights, etc. Scott No. C13-C15 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550
Canada collection, 1851-1953. Mint and used in Davo album, with mint 1857 ½d rose 4 margins #8 (cat $650), used 4 margin beaver on wove paper, used 4 margin sheet marginal 10d #7 (cat $1250), cent issues with mint #14 and mint #20 (cat $425), complete range of the 1859's, inc a possible black brown #16 (signed) lightly canceled used, large heads with ½c mint and 15c blue gray also mint, small heads with mint #46/47 (cat $600), #65-73 (cat $600), #74-84 (cat over $1000), KEVII with 50c and better mint coils, KGV and values to $1 definitives, 1928/29 bluenose n.h. and Parliament complete commemorative mint #149-59 (cat $450), 1930 Mt Cavell to $1, further coils and other commemorative series and KGVI nearly complete with all the dollar values, 'back of the book' strong with #J1-5 never hinged complete (cat $210) and #J6-10 also complete never hinged (cat $215), etc., various Officials, nice material, please inspect. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,500
Canada stock. Mostly mint in large box, includes two large stockbooks with mint from 1935-90, full sheets from the 1950's, large quantities of 1978 CAPEX souvenir sheets and 1979 Flag mini sheets, a mint Province collection with good Newfoundland issues, highlight is the early stock including early issues, range of large and small queens, various Jubilees with values up to the 50¢, later QV and KEVII definitives, early commemoratives, etc. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,200
Canada collection, 1859-2001. In two Scott albums, starting with 19th century issues in mixed condition including large and small queens, mint Jubilees, etc., 20th century with good completion in KGV definitives, 1928-29 commemoratives complete mint and virtually complete thereon, back-of-the-book, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $400 - 500.
Realized: $950
Lot 2969 o
Canada collection, 1859-2000. Used in Minkus album, with nice 1859 17¢, some large & small queens, 20th century strong completion with many select copies, back-of-the-book, condition well above the norm.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $85
Canada cover lot, 1879-1950. An interesting old time assortment of over 175 items. Includes Small Queens, Edward VII, George V, George VI and advertising covers. Also, some interesting postal cards and stationary items, back of book and airpost including, 1931 Fort McMurray to Athabasca Flight with Private Commercial Airway stamp. Condition mixed, generally F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475
Canada airmail first flight collection, 1928-38. Hundreds on pages arranged by AAMC in four albums, a strong run of popular flights for the period, starting with the 1928 experimental prairie flights to the 1938 Prince George-Ware, an ideal collection for expansion. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350
Canada & Provinces covers, 1855-1946. Over 50 covers and cards in slipcases priced for retail, mixed range of covers from a rare Canada 1855 10d blue imperf (Scott #7) tied on cover to Edinburgh with R.P.S. & A.P.S. certs (soiled and stained) to a Newfoundland 1933 commemorative set complete on neat registered first day covers, most covers retail in the $10-60 range with many $100+, including flights, postal cards mint & used including rare #UX35 & #36 usages to Japan and Berlin respectively, Canada #16a on cover, 5¢ registered stamp on cover, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,050