Confederacy, 1864 Flag of Truce cover. With "Official Business" imprint crossed out & postmarked "Port Royal, S.C." double circle postmark with "Due 3" handstamp alongside, endorsed at left "Soldier's Letter, W.T. Bennett, Lt. Col. 102 U.S.C.T. in chg of Flag-Of-Truce", addressed to "J.J. Barclay, of Bedford Pa.", who had sent $15 in CSA bills to be delivered to a Maj. John H. Filler, 55 Penna. Vol., a Prisoner of War at Columbia, S.C., enclosed are two printed receipts for same; the 1st with imprint "Headquarters, Department of the South, Office Agent of Exchange (crossed out), Hilton Head, S.C. Nov. 14, 1864" the printed form letter reads, "I have the honor to inform you that the package containing money addressed to (Maj. John H. Filler in manuscript) Prisoner of War, was delivered to a Rebel Officer, whose receipt for the same I enclose." signed in manuscript by "W.T. Bennett, Lt. Col. 102 U.S.C.T. in charge of Flag-Of-Truce", the 2nd printed receipt signed by a CSA Lieutenant at Port Royal Ferry, S.C., Oct 26, 1864 acknowledges receipt of the $15 CSA money, Very Fine, Most interesting example of how such matters were handled for prisoners. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $750

Confederacy, By Flag of Truce, at Fortress Monroe. Endorsement on cover to Patrick C. House, Virginia, franked with 1861 3¢ rose tied by "Delaware City, Feb 14" cds and target duplex, "Richmond, Va., Mar 2" cds and matching "Due 10" rate handstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. US 65 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $450

751 (
Confederacy, Johnsons Island, Ohio. Rebacked cover front from Johnsons Island to Prisoner of War at Point Lookout, Md., franked with 1861 3¢ (natural s.e. at right) tied by target cancel with Sandusky, O. double circle postmark alongside, bold strike of "Prisoner's Letter/Examined/Johnsons Islands, O." oval handstamp, Very Fine appearance, a rare Prison to Prison usage. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $280

Confederacy, Libby Prison, March 3rd, 1864. Dateline on prisoner letter addressed to the Provost Marshall at Pt. Lookout, Maryland (Union Prison), sent under separate cover, enclosure of personal nature and asking for provisions, Very Fine, a rare and interesting prison to prison cover. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $525

Confederacy, Ohio State Penitentiary. Orange cover franked with 1861 3¢ (small faults) with target cancel & indistinct Columbus, O. double circle postmark alongside, addressed to Mrs. Mary F. Bullock, sent by her husband, Major Robert Bullock who was a prisoner at this time, magenta "Examined W.A. Jugkins, A.D.C." (Aide de Camp) endorsement at left, flap tear, Very Fine, only 43 covers recorded from this Prison, which is infamous for having housed General Morgan, who later escaped from the prison. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $220

Confederacy, Point Lookout, Md. 1864 prisoner's cover carried Through the Lines to North Carolina, franked with 1861 3¢ with target cancel with Point Lookout, Md. double circle postmark alongside, additional tied by multiple strikes of Richmond, Va. cds with "Due 10" straight line handstamp, soldier's Prisoner of War endorsement at left & handstamped "Prisoner's Letter/Examined", some minor cover aging, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $240

Confederacy, Post Office Department, Official Business, Chief of the Appointment Bureau. Dietz Ty. II, signed B. N. Clements on 3c Red Star Die entire to Fredericksburg Va., postmarked "RichmondVa., Oct. 20, 1863" cds and "Free" handstamp, Very Fine.
Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $130
Confederacy, State of South Carolina/Adj't & Insp. Gen. Office. Imprint on legal size cover with blue "Columbia, S.C." cds & matching "Paid" straight line handstamp, some staining & small tear in imprint, Fine (no photo). Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $30

Confederacy, State of South Carolina/Headquarters. Imprint on legal size cover with blue "Columbia, S.C." cds & matching "Paid" in circle with manuscript "20" rate, bottom left cover replaced, Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $105