1861, 1¢ blue, type I. O.g., very lightly hinged, nicely centered amid large margins, strong bright color, very fresh, Very Fine, a lovely mint single; with 1983 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 18 $2,000.
Realized: $1,400

1857, 1¢ blue, type II. Corner margin pair, o.g. (bottom stamp with small tone spots on gum), bold rich color, fresh, nicks in selvage at left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 20 $2,300.
Realized: $750

Lot 1142 o
1857, 1¢ blue, type II, cracked plate variety. Position 12L2, showing crack at upper right, light grid cancel, tiny corner perf crease, otherwise F.-V.F.Scott No. 20 $750.
Realized: $250

1143 (
1857, 1¢ blue, type III. Without gum, nicely centered, deep rich color and sharp proof-like impression, bright and fresh, pressed-out horizontal crease, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 21 $6,000.
Realized: $3,250

Lot 1144 o
1857, 1¢ blue, type III. Light grid cancels, attractively centered showing breaks at top and bottom, strong rich color, Very Fine and choice, a tough stamp this nice; with 1995 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 21 $2,500.
Realized: $1,700

Lot 1145 o
1857, 1¢ blue, type III. Town cancel, well centered amid large margins, bright color, small crease at bottom right, Extremely Fine appearance.Scott No. 21 $2,500.
Realized: $1,050

1857, 1¢ blue, type IIIa. Full o.g., magnificently centered amid large margins with full design completely showing, rich vibrant color and pristine P.O. fresh, an Extremely Fine gem, a truly remarkable example of this elusive stamp; with 2004 P.S.E. graded certificate (XF 90). Scott No. 22 $2,000.
Realized: $3,500

1857, 1¢ blue, type IIIa. Position 65L12, o.g., barest trace of hinge (appears never hinged), large margins and beautiful rich color, bright and very fresh, Very Fine, a tough mint stamp; with 1995 P.F. certificate for pair. Scott No. 22 $2,100.
Realized: $1,050

Lot 1148 o
1857, 1¢ blue, type IV. Position 34L1L showing double transfer at bottom, faint town cancel, exceptional centering, strong color, Extremely Fine, choice so nice; with 2000 P.S.E. certificate.Scott No. 23 $700.
Realized: $650

1857, 1¢ blue, type V. Bottom margin single, o.g., never hinged, nicely centered, bright color and remarkably fresh, Very Fine and choice; with 2003 P.S.E. certificate (Graded 85). Scott No. 24 $175 for hinged.
Realized: $375