Worldwide collection. 13 volume mint & used collection mostly in spring back albums, well formed European countries with many better singles and sets throughout, including Scandinavia with Denmark from 4 margin 1st issues on, good numerals and arms, better high values, better dues, etc., Greenland with good early mint sets and #17-25 overprint set on nice registered cover, Iceland with strong numerals including better, later used King sets, 1937 souvenir sheet, etc., D.W.I. with better earlies and complete 20th century, bisects on piece, good completion in Norway and Finland, useful Sweden, 4 volume Belgium to 1969 including nice range of early issues, better souvenir sheets including 1958 Antarctic, semi-postal and other back-of-the-book, Switzerland sparse in early issues with good later semi-postal and airmail sets, good souvenir sheets and useful officials, 2 volume Austria with some nice early issues, better semi-postal and airmails sets, Netherlands including #54 used (cat $350), 10g surcharge mint #105, etc., also Vatican City mostly mint sets (some issues with gum toning) and including a fresh 1934 surcharge set complete mint (cat $794); nice material with some mixed condition mostly confined to early issues, well worth inspection. 2002 Scott $28,000+ (Owner's) Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
Realized: $5,250
Worldwide accumulation. Housed chaotically in one stock book, with hundreds of better items present, a 'must sell' instruction, please view in person, ideal dealer material to make a mail sale. Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
Realized: $7,250
Worldwide stock. On cards in 11 red stock boxes; thousands of singles and sets retailing in the $1+ to $20 range with no heavy duplication, majority mint with used earlies, most countries represented including good European countries, Asia, etc., no Latin America and some European countries, with occasional better $20+ items, etc., fresh material with mixed confined to early material, much n.h., worth careful inspection. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $7,250
Worldwide souvenir and mini sheet stock, 1950-1990's. On stockpages in dozens of binders in three large boxes, thousands of issues mainly from the 1970-90's with strength in British Comm. and Latin America countries, strong sets and many cataloging in the $20-$50 range and higher, strong topical interest, lots of Royal Wedding issues, Disney, etc., o.g., hinged or never hinged. Scott $29,000 ++ Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,500
Worldwide accumulation. Mix of collections, sheets, stockcards, pages, etc., in 3 large boxes, somewhat haphazard with tens of thousands of issues including some better mid-range material, some early classic including G.B. #1 used, includes small stocks, good mint in quantity, well worth careful inspection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,900
Worldwide back-of-the-book. Unusual accumulation including Nazi Jersey occupation first issue imperf printer's waste, Crete sets in quantity of the unissued 'For Peace' series, Spain reprints of 1850's issues in quantity, Kuwait overprint forgeries on airposts of India in multiple format, reprint sheetlets of Israel coin series, excellent forgeries Italian States especially Naples Savoy Cross, German Zeppelins, etc., approximately 750 stamps, an interesting holding requiring inspection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $725
Worldwide accumulation. Selection of over 100 stamps with virtually every item having value or interest, mostly 19th century. Includes Portugal 1866 10r yellow unused and 80r used, 1876 120r blue and 300r violet mint, Greece Hermes heads imperfs used, Belgium telephone revenues 2fr and 3fr mint, Danish West Indies superb used #1, Suez Canal and Danube locals, German and Italian States items, Moldavia-Walachia imperf, Belgium Congo mint never hinged surcharges series to the 5fr, interesting South America classics and errors inc. Peru classic misprint, German Colonies, Hawaii inc. Provisional Government overprints, etc., occasional reference copies here such as the France 1fr Ceres yet all useful. worth inspection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $750
Worldwide miscellany. Odd mix of better material, including Poland 1944 Monte Cassino overprint sets mint & used and on cover, Canada #586 pair, one with value omitted (unlisted variety), 1927 Aitutaki vignette proof block, Sweden #4 x2 on cover (one stamp missing, cat $900 off cover), Fr. Eq. Africa airmail essay set, etc., scarce material, worth inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $525
Worldwide accumulation. An eclectic mixture of mostly classic and issues on stockcards, with Greece 1896 Olympics 10d used, Portugal mint and used 19th century issues to 300r lilac, good classic Romania, Bulgaria inc. 1885 50s on 1fr mint, GB KGV 2sh6d sepia brown seahorses pair used in Constantinople, good France Ceres and Napoleon head imperfs, Netherlands Indies #1 used, Serbia postage dues in tête-bêche strip of three mint, and much more even the better Belgium 1952 UPU congress complete mint never hinged, a varied accumulation with possible sleepers, please view carefully. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $550