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Sale 22: The Westpex Sale

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U.S. & Worldwide Picture Post Cards

Lots 2455-2464 Lots 2465-2474 Lots 2475-2484 Lots 2485-2494 Lots 2495-2497

Lot 2455 /o   

U.S. Alaska picture postcards. One binder full of approximately 210 Alaska postcards, both mint & used, a wide variety of cards are present including early real photo cards as well as later tourist cards, mixed condition, worth inspection.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $500

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Lot 2456    

U.S. Black caricature advertising card collection. Approximately 100 early advertising cards, some series cards including St. Louis Beef Canning Co., Rising Sun Stove Polish and the large Electric Oil ad cards, includes postcards and related including a few Civil War song sheets, a very nice collection.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $1,000

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Lot 2457 /o   

U.S. Bridges & lighthouse picture postcards. One binder full of approximately 165 picture postcards with various views of bridges & lighthouses, most from the 1930'50's, mixed condition, worth inspection.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $160

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Lot 2458 /o   

U.S. California picture postcards. One large binder full of California cards, both mint & used, a wide variety of cards are present including many early cards as well as later tourist cards, noted is a nice range of San Francisco including Earthquake cards, Yosemite cards, California Missions, Redwoods, plus much more, mixed condition worth inspection.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $375

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Lot 2459 /o   

U.S. California picture postcards. One large binder full of approximately 325 California cards, both mint & used, a wide variety of cards are present including many San Francisco & Monterey cards, few nice real photo cards included, mixed condition worth inspection.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $260

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Lot 2460


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Lot 2461    

U.S. Christmas post card accumulation. Over 175 colorful Christmas postcards, features nice assortment of early Santa Claus as well as angels, children, etc.
Estimate    $250 - 350.

Realized: $350

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Lot 2462    

U.S. Commemoratives used on postcards. One binder full of approximately 65 picture postcards franked with US Commems, most from the 1900's to 1920, many nice cards included, mixed condition, worth inspection.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $150

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Lot 2463    

U.S. Early postcards. Approximately 110 early postcards, mixed topics, features embroidered, Dutch children, colleges and novelty.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $130

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Lot 2464


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Lots 2455-2464 Lots 2465-2474 Lots 2475-2484 Lots 2485-2494 Lots 2495-2497

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