(Freight Money) Auburn, New York to London, England. 1840 folded letter sheet with red "Auburn N.Y., Oct 7" cds & matching "Paid" handstamp, blue manuscript "43 ?" and black "Bristol Ship Letter" straight line handstamp, manuscript "8" pence due private ship letter fee, endorsed "Steamer Great Western", red "OC 25, 1840" receiving cds on the reverse, the 43 ?¢ rate represents 18 ?¢ inland for a single sheet of paper + 25¢ freight money fee; light staining, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Carried per the steamer "Great Western" departing New York 10-Oct & arriving Bristol 24-Oct. An early census of freight money letters by Charles Hahn in a series of articles in the American Philatelist (Sep-79, Aug-80, May-85) lists the following from Auburn: Aug-39 single 25 and 18 3/4, Dec-40 single 25 and 18 ?, and Mar-40 combined 87 ½, per the "Great Western", departing New York 10-Oct & arriving Bristol 24-Oct. Very few are know from Auburn.
Realized: $725

(Freight Money) Baltimore, Maryland to London, England. 1839 folded letter with red "Baltimore Md. Jul 4" cds & matching "Paid" handstamp, endorsed "Steamer Liverpool" at top with "Ship $100.00" superimposed, "75" cents rate mark beneath, the $100.00 paid the 25¢ per sheet of paper freight money rate for 4 sheets, and the 75¢ paid the U.S. inland zone rate of 18¾¢ per sheet of paper for 150-400 miles, red "New York, Jul 5" transit cds and black manuscript "3/2" in the upper middle which represents 8d incoming ship + 11d British inland zone rate for 170-230 miles x 2, the disparity between the U.S. and British number of rates is explained by the fact that the U.S. used sheets of paper up to an ounce and the British used the half ounce, reverse with two line "Liverpool Ship Letter" and red "F, JY 22 1839" receiving cds on the reverse, Very Fine, according to F. Staff, the Liverpool was part of the Transatlantic Steam Ship Company, maiden voyage on 20-Oct 1838 with 7 round trip voyages between 1838-1840. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $625

(Freight Money) Baltimore, Maryland to London, England. 1840 folded letter sheet with red "Baltimore, Md., Feb 26" cds & matching "Paid" handstamp, manuscript "25" over "37½" representing double 12½ ship (Freight Money) and double 18¾ U.S. inland postage, manuscript "8" which represents the incoming ship rate collected in G.B., reverse with red boxed "Ship Letter Portsmouth" and red "AP 2, 1840" receiving cds, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $200

(Freight Money) New Orleans, Louisiana to Bordeaux, France. 1842 folded letter sheet with blue "New Orleans, La., Feb 4" cds and endorsed "Via New Yorks first Packet for Europe", red "Paid" handstamp and two manuscript fifty cent rates, red "New York, Feb 14" transit cds, "10" decimes due and red French transit cds's; edge wear at top, F.-V.F. Estimate $75 - 100.
This was prepaid at the rate of 25¢ per sheet for over 400 miles for two sheets of paper and freight money fee (via steamer) of 25¢ per sheet for two sheets per steam vessel via Havre (sailing) packet. It was intended to go via the quickest means possible, but left by the first in accordance with the writers routing instructions, resulting in a waste of 50¢ since freight money wasn't required.
Realized: $250

(Freight Money) New Orleans, Louisiana to Bordeaux, France. 1843 folded letter with partial blue "New Orleans La., May 7" cds & matching "Paid" handstamp, two blue manuscript "25" cents markings, endorsed "Steam Ship Via New-York", framed "Colonies &c. Art. 13" handstamp and red French transit cds, reverse with framed "Ju 8 43, Liverpool Ship" handstamp, red "JU 9, 1843" transit cds and black "Bordeaux, 13 Juin 43" receiving cds, Very Fine, 25¢ for a single sheet of paper in the over 400 miles postal zone, and 25¢ freight money, per the Great Western departing New York 25-May & arriving Liverpool 8-Jun. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $725

(Freight Money) Philadelphia, Pa. to London, England. 1839 folded letter with blue "Philadelphia Pa Feb 12" cds & matching framed "Paid" handstamp, pencil "50" and black manuscript "50" adjacent, red "New York, Feb 13" transit cds, "4/9" in the middle and endorsed "pr U. States packet of the 13th", Very Fine, the 50¢ rate represents 12½¢ per sheet of paper for 2 sheets in the 80-150 miles zone and 12½¢ per sheet for freight money via sailing ship, the total postage paid for both U.S. and G.B. was $1.68, a whopping sum in 1839. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $500

(Pioneer Steamers) Derbyshire, England to Philadelphia, Pa. 1846 folded letter endorsed "G Western" corrected to G "Britain" at lower left, red "8" pence paid handstamp and blue manuscript "7" cents due (2 cents ship, 5 cents per half ounce under 300 miles inland), rimless "Ship-Letter, Liverpool, Jy 7 46" cds on the reverse, letterhead with very detailed engraved illustration of village view occupying the upper half of the first page with "Matlock" caption, otherwise Very Fine, departed Liverpool 7-Jul. & arrived New York 21-Jul. on the 4th west-bound crossing of the Great Britain, freight money wasn't collected on west bound covers. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $850

(Pioneer Steamers) Geestendorf, Hannover (Germany) to London, England. Forwarded to Boston, Mass., 1845 folded letter with straightline "GEESTENDORF" origin postmark, red Maltese cross "Paid L.S., Ap 25 1845" handstamp and partial red "New York Ship, Oct 15, 7cts" cds, manuscript "8" pence due private ship fee and red rimless "Paid Ship Letter, London, Sp 25, 1845" cds, endorsed "P Great Britain" at left, manuscript "1/8" crossed through in the middle; light edge wear, F.-V.F., per the third west bound crossing of the Great Britain departing Liverpool 27-Sep. & arriving New York 15-Oct., freight money wasn't collected on west bound covers. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $525

(Pioneer Steamers) Halifax and Liverpool, England to Philadelphia, Pa. and Boston, Mass. (respectively) 2 covers per the Great Western; 1845 folded letter with blue oval "Paid at Halifax" and manuscript "8" pence private ship fee, red "New York Ship, Apr 16" cds and manuscript "14½" due (2¢ ship + 12½¢ for 80-150 miles zone), reverse with Halifax origin and Liverpool transit cds's, 1846 folded letter with red "8" handstamp & blue manuscript "12" due in Boston, red "New-York Nov 17" cds and reverse with Liverpool origin cds, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $400

(Pioneer Steamers) London, England to Carni, Illinois. 1840 folded letter with red tombstone "Paid Ap 14, 1840" date stamp and red "Paid Ship Letter London, Ap 14, 1840" cds, partial "New York, Ship" receiving cds at bottom, "By the Great Western" endorsement at lower left and manuscript "27" due (2¢ ship fee + 25¢ per sheet in the over 400 miles), F.-V.F., departed Bristol 20-Feb and arrived N.Y. 7-Mar. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $100