India, 1864, Akyab, India to Bordeaux, France. Folded cover franked with 1855-64 1a + 2a + 4a + 1865-67 ½a tied by blue octagonal "B5" (Bengal type) cancels & blue company handstamp with manuscript endorsement "via Bombay & France", postmarked red "Pd Calcutta 5 De 64" cds & orange red French Maritime entry double circle, Very Fine. Scott No. 12+15+16+20 Estimate $150 - 200.
Franked with 7 ½ annas, which most likely pays a printed matter rate, as the letter rate was 9 annas 4 pies, and both pages are printed.
Realized: $725

India, 1865, Akyab, India to Bordeaux, France. Folded cover franked with 1855-64 4a + 1865-67 ½a + 2a tied by blue octagonal "B1" (Calcutta - Bengal type) cancels & blue company handstamp with manuscript endorsement "via France", backstamped red "Pd Calcutta 5 De 64" cds, Very Fine. Scott No. 16+20+23 Estimate $150 - 200.
Franked with 6½ annas, which most likely pays a printed matter rate, as the letter rate was 9 annas 4 pies, and both pages are printed.
Realized: $350

India, 1869, India to St. Louis, Missouri. Folded cover franked with 1866-68 4a + 8a tied by blue octagonal cancels with red double circle "India Calcutta Paid 1 Fe 23 69" backstamp, markings including partial red French transit with red London cds alongside, red manuscript "1/5" credit to G.B. at center, Very Fine. Scott No. 26B+28 Estimate $200 - 300.
Total franking of 12 annas (about 36 cents U.S. or 1/6 G.B.) pays the correct rate per half ounce.
Realized: $200

India, 1872, Calcutta, India to New York. Folded cover franked with 1865-67 2a + 1866-68 8a tied by blue octagonal "B1" (Calcutta - Bengal type) cancels & blue merchant's handstamp on cover, backstamp red "Calcutta" double circle, postmarked on front red London transit & New York arrival with scarce red handstamp "1/1d" credit to G.B. light crease through 8a, Very Fine. Scott No. 23+28 Estimate $100 - 150.
Franking pays the correct 10 annas (30 cents U.S.) per half ounce letter rate via Brindisi from 4-May-72 (Overseas Letter Postage From India 1854-1876, Martin & Blair) through at least Mar-1874.
Realized: $230

India, 1873, Chittagong, India to Bordeaus, France. Folded cover franked with 1865-67 8p + 2a + 1866-68 4a tied by "Chittagong" duplex type cancel with handstamped "Via Bombay" with manuscript "& Brindisi" routing, numerous backstamps including "Seapost Office 28.7.73" & "Hooghly 13 Ju Bombay", 4a slightly overlapping edge of cover, Very Fine. Scott No. 21+23+26B Estimate $100 - 150.
Total franking of 6 annas 8 pies (about 20 cents U.S.). This franking isn't listed in Martin & Blair. Possibly pays a printed matter rate.
Realized: $300

Java, 1862 Batavia, Java to Concord, N.H. Cover with manuscript "Via Marseilles." routing in the upper left corner, "Batavia Franco 14/2 18 62" cds upper right corner intertwined with a red "16 CENTS" rocking horse credit to the U.S. (sea), with a red "1/10" cents rate (paid) adjacent, and partial "N. York Am. Pkt. 5 Apr 16" cds (5 cents due for U.S. inland), red framed "India Paid" handstamp and partial red "London Mr 62 Paid" cds, red double line Singapore cds and red crayon accountancy on the reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

Italy, 1784 Naples, Two Sicilies (Italy) to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1784 folded cover with partial black framed "Milan" handstamp with manuscript "2" rate adjacent, file fold at top, Very Fine, a scarce early Trans-Atlantic cover. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $1,100

Jamaica, 1834 Kingston, Jamaica to Petersburg, Virginia. Folded letter with partial red "New York Ship Jun 12" cds and "20?" cents due (2 cents incoming ship, plus 18? cents for a single sheet 150-400 miles postal zone); file fold, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 350.
Realized: $150

Jamaica, 1843 Dry Harbor, Jamaica to London, England. Two 1843 folded covers to Mission House London with rimless backstamp cds of Dry Harbor, one with manuscript 1sh rate & other with 2/ rate, both with light file fold, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $95

Jamaica, 1853 Jamaica to Mount Vernon, O. Folded letter with red "Jamaica Paid Ju 5 1858" cds upper left corner, with a manuscript "Paid 8" upper left corner, and red crayon "8" traced in the upper right corner. This was the private ship letter rate in Jamaica, black "New - York Ship Jun 28 7 cts" due (2 cents ship plus 5 cents inland for an unpaid letter 1851-1855) upper right corner, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110