Lot 674
Hong Kong, 1926-37 KGV Issue Registered Letters. 6 covers; 1) to London bearing 4c and 10c cancelled 15 FE 26, with "R Hongkong A" label (Tsang type E: 1916-35). 2) to Hamilton, Canada, bearing 6c pair and 20c cancelled "18 MY 31" (quite an early use of the 12c per one ounce rate, and 20c registration fee, both effective 1 Apr 31), with "R Hong Kong A" label (Tsang type F, an unrecorded subtype: similar to HKFB1, but index "A" very scarce. "B"). 3) To Hollywood, Cal, bearing 5c (2 pairs) and 20c cancelled 27 FE 34, with "R Hong Kong B" label (Tsang type HKFB2: 1928-38). 4) large preprinted Wm. Meyerink & Co. envelope bearing full set of KGV Silver Jubilee in blocks of four, cancelled 6 MY 35 on day of issue, with "R Hong Kong B" registration label, 2 years earlier than recorded (Tsang type HKGC1: 1937-41), to Shanghai with bilingual "Shanghai 10.5.24" arrival cds on reverse. 5) to Cleveland, OH, bearing $3 green and purple stamp cancelled 10 MY 37, paying the $2.80 transpacific airmail rate plus 25c registration fee, with "R Hong Kong A" label (Tsang type HKGA1: 1936-46). 6) to New York City, with 50c (4) and $1, same label and rate as preceding cover, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350
Lot 675
Hong Kong, 1936-40 KGV and KGVI Registered Letters. 5 covers; 1) to Bermuda, bearing full set of KGV Silver Jubilee, cancelled 16 JU 36, with "R Hong Kong B" registration label (Tsang type HKGB1: 1936-48), 2 nearly identical covers to Chicago, both cancelled 24 SP 38: 2) Bearing 15c, 30c, $1, and $10 (4 x $2.80 transpacific airmail rate + 25c registration fee). 3) Bearing 5c, 10c, 50c, $1, $2, and $5 (3 x $2.80 transpacific airmail rate + 25c registration fee), both covers to Chicago have "R Hong Kong A" labels affixed (Tsang type HKGA1: 1936-46), cancels on both of these covers, which are identified by their thick side-bars, were used earlier than recorded (Proud type R48: 7 Dec 38 - 4 July 41). A registration receipt accompanies one of these covers, also bearing the type R48 cds, and with a rectangular, framed "Air Mail" handstamp, Hong Kong Study Circle type 4a, earlier than recorded (1941-46), and earliest overall of these official "Air Mail" hand-stamps, 4) to Berlin, Germany, bearing 5c, 15c, 25c, and $1, paying the $1.20 per half ounce airmail rate to Europe plus 25c registration fee, cancelled 19 JA 39, and with "R Hong Kong A" label affixed (Tsang type HKGA2: only recorded used in Jan 1939, as this). Airplane logo and "Par Avion" struck out upon arrival of the aircraft at Marseille, then to destination by rail. 5) Opened out sideways envelope from Calcutta to New York bearing India KGVI 5 Rs., 3 As., and ½ As., cancelled "Calcutta GPO 5 - 21"? (sic 12) 40, with "R Calcutta" registration label, and Indian "Opened By Censor" resealing strips. "R.B. 32 General Post Office Hong Kong Officially Sealed" label affixed (Orsetti type 15, only recorded 12 May 41, torn in half on opening), and tied by "Registered GPO Hong Kong 13 De 40" cds. Purple "Honolulu Dec 23 1940" and "New York 1 - 2 1941" registry datestamps, Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,150
Lot 676
Hong Kong, 1940-41 KGVI Issue Registered Letters. 8 covers; including earlier and later than recorded "LR" hand-stamps. "LR" markings, denoting UPU Lettres Recommandee class of mail, are believed to have been applied to top cover in bundle of registered letters when censorship was completed. All with registration labels, and cancelled "Registered GPO Hong Kong"; to New York City unless otherwise noted. 1) $2.80 airmail rate plus 25c registration fee, 29 July 1940, with "Opened By Censor Hong Kong" resealing label (CCSG type 3A). Small violet LR on the back, almost 1 year earlier than previously recorded (HKSCJ 303/3: only Apr - May 1941). 2) To Marion, Virginia, $3.50 airmail rate plus 25c registration fee, 7 June 41, with later than recorded "Opened By Censor Hong Kong" resealing label (CCSG type 4C (blue): only 26 Apr - 16 June 41). Small, very blurred, LR on back in red, this color not previously recorded, and later than small LR recorded used (only May - June 41). Six examples of large LR: Two with "Opened By Censor" (without Hong Kong) resealing labels (CCSG type 5A: July - Oct 41), four with rectangular "Not Opened By Censor", two type 7A and two type 7C. Cover to Fort Wayne, Indiana, 10 Nov 41, with large LR, later than recorded (HKSCJ 303/3: June - Oct 1941), Very Fine overall.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,400
Lot 677
Hong Kong, 1941-52 KGVI Registered Covers. 6 covers; 1) To New York, bearing 25c block of 9 centenary issue, plus two singles and $1 definitive, all on back, paying $3.50 per half ounce airmail rate and 25c registration fee. Stamps cancelled "Hong Kong Sham Shui Po 10 No 41" (Proud type D3), "R Sham Shui Po No." registration label on front, later use than recorded (Tsang type SSG2, only Feb 41), and "Not Opened By Censor" on front. 2) To Chicago with 30c and $2 cancelled by partial "Sheungwan Hong Kong _ De 47", with earlier than recorded "R Sheungwan" registration label (Tsang type SWJ: Oct 49 - Oct 50), and AR hand-stamp 6 years earlier than recorded by Proud (type AR3: 1954-56). 3) To Chicago with 11 stamps overpaying airmail plus registration rates, cancelled "Kowloon Hong Kong 25 Ja 52", date-stamp repaired with large "K" replacing original second "H" ("Hong Hong" error), seldom seen, and "R Kowloon A" earlier than recorded registration label (Tsang type KLKA: only May - July 52). 4) To Cincinnati, OH, stamps cancelled "Sai Ying Pun Hong Kong 10 Sp 52", with "R Sai Ying Pun" registration label, earliest recorded use of Tsang type SYJ2 (only Sep 52 - Apr 53). 5) To Canada, stamps cancelled "Wantsai 25 Sep 46" (Proud type D6), with "R Hong Kong A" registration label bearing manuscript "WT," later use than recorded (Tsang type WCGA: only Aug 46, priced as RR), and earlier than recorded "By Air To London Only" (Proud AM28: 9 Nov 46 - 30 Apr 47). Four different Canadian transit and arrival cds, including "HX.DIG.&YAR. R.P.O. OC 25" 46. 6) To Canada, FDC bearing 30c and $1 victory issue, cancelled "Yaumati 29 Aug 46" (Proud type D8), with "R Hong Kong B" registration label bearing Y hand-stamp (Tsang type YMGB: only Aug 46, priced as RR), Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325
Lot 678
Hong Kong, 1946 KGVI Registered Covers. 5 covers; 1) to US, stamps cancelled "Kowloon Hong Kong 25 Oc" with "R Hong Kong C" registration label overprinted K (Tsang type KLGKC: only Aug - Nov 46). "By Air To U.S.A. Only", smaller subtype than recorded by Proud (AM32). 2) to US, "Sheungwan Hong Kong 28 Oc 46" cds, with earlier than recorded "R Hong Kong B" registration label overprinted S.W.B. (Tsang type SWGB: only recorded Nov 47, priced as RRR). Also earlier than recorded "By Air To London Only" (Proud AM28: 9 Nov 46 - 30 Apr 47). 3) To Chicago with 30c and 50c (2), and $1 cancelled by "Sheungwan Hong Kong 19 Fe 49", with earlier than recorded "R Sheungwan" registration label (Tsang type SWJ:Oct 49 - Oct 50). 4) FDC to Macau, bearing 30c and $1 victory issue cancelled "Wantsai 29 Au 46" (Proud type D6), with "R Hong Kong A" registration label bearing manuscript "WT" (Tsang type WCGA: only Aug 46, priced as RR). Registration receipt attached to back. 5) to Denmark, cancelled earlier than recorded "Yaumati 24 Jan 46" (Proud type D8: 9 Apr 46 - 10 Oct 49), with earlier than recorded "R Hong Kong B" registration label bearing Y hand-stamp (Tsang type YMGB: only Aug 46, priced as RR), and "By Air To London Only" (Proud AM26), Very Fine overall.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $850
Lot 679
Hong Kong, 1946-48 KGVI Registered Letters. 4 covers; 1) Legal-size FDC to New York bearing block of four 30c and pair of $1 victory issue stamps cancelled 29 AU 46. Registration label "R Hong Kong 25" used earlier than recorded (Tsang type HKH25: only Sep 46). 2) KGVI 2c postal card to Ottawa, Canada, with additional 5c, 8c, 50c, and $1 stamps cancelled 28 AP 47, paying $1.40 post card airmail rate (only in use July 46 - June 47), plus 25c registration fee. Registration label "R Hong Kong C" with A overprint only recorded Apr - May 47 (Tsang type HKGA4). Pan American Airways trial flight to Montreal, where arrived 12 May. "Not Called For", "Non Reclame", "Unclaimed", & "Retour" Canadian instruction marks, and with Dead Letter Office back-stamps. 3) Envelope to Chicago bearing 25c and $2 pair cancelled 29 JA 48, "R Hong Kong A" registration label (Tsang type HKIA), and unrecorded oval AR marking. 4) Envelope to Canton bearing 8c block of four and single cancelled 1 AP 48, paying 10c per ounce surface letter rate to China plus the 30c registration fee, both of which went into effect that day. Tsang type HKIA registration label, Very Fine.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $260
Lot 680
Hong Kong, 1888-1978 Postal Stationery. An interesting lot of 40 Postal cards including Reply cards, plus 17 Registered Postal entires with additional franking, few minor faults, but an interesting lot for the specialist (no photo).Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $2,100
Lot 681
Hong Kong, Early 20th Century Picture Postcards. Lot of 82 cards showing various views & scenes, virtually all used with 4c frankings to the United States, noted is one hand painted card, one with Man in "The Stocks" & one a collage figure made from stamps, mixed condition, worth inspection.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $2,900