Lot 825 o
German States Stock. Substantial used holding arranged by issue on stockpages with modest to moderate duplication; Baden first issues on including 1851 1k x6 (one with cert.), few color cancels, better later issues including 1862 18kr x3 & 30kr x2, Bavaria to the 1880's with some nice cancels, little Bremen and Brunswick with good first design issues, Hamburg with 1864-65 9s yellow (cert.), Hamburg with many early four margin singles and a few pairs, useful Meckenberg-Schwerin and Oldenburg, Prussia from first issues on including high values, similar Saxony including shades, Thurn & Taxis with better northern district issues present, Wurttemberg with first issues including 1kr x5 & 18kr x5, North German Confederation with some nice multiples, etc.; condition mixed with many nice items throughout.Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $4,250
Lot 826 o
German States Postmark Collection. Reference accumulation of well over 500 stamps on stockpages; various states & issues including a little later Baden and Bavaria numeral cog and target town cancels, few Hamburg towns, Prussia with town postmarks and numeral target and grids, Thurn & Taxis numeral targets, Wurttemberg and a selection of N.G.C. and Empire issues with some post state administration postmarks; condition mixed, worth a look.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,700

Lot 827 o
Bavaria, 1849, 1kr black, plate I. Neat numeral cogwheel cancel, ample to mostly large margins, strong shade and impression, Very Fine; signed twice. Michel No. 1 Ia.Scott No. 1 $1,825.
Realized: $650

Germany & German States Covers Covers. A wonderful lot of 550 covers & cards showing various frankings, usages and postmarks, included are registered, censored, flights, first day covers, postal stationery, inflation issues, picture post cards, prisoner of war covers, Feldpost, etc., mixed condition, a valuable lot with many better items throughout, worth careful inspection. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $3,750
Lot 829 o
Germany, German Area Collection, 1852-1940. Used collection mounted on pages in Scott International album; strong completion throughout including German States with much of better issues and high values present including complete early Brunswick issues, strong Hanover, complete Prussia, Wurttemberg missing only the 1857 18k in regular issues, etc., Germany with Empire issues missing only a few scarcer high values, good showing of Reich issues with better semi-postals and airmail sets, good completion in officials, offices & colonies strong mostly in complete sets missing only some of the scarcer to rare issues, occupation areas with good to strong completion including Danzig and Saar, etc.; condition mixed with much better material throughout, inspection highly recommended (no photo).Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $10,000

Germany Cover Collection, 1853-1952. A nice lot of 178 covers & cards with better frankings from the 1930-50's, particularly Semi-Postals & Bundes Post, included are both single & mixed frankings, plus some nice early German States, also noted is a registered Airmail cover from Germany to Columbia with three different Scadta adhesives, mixed condition, generally Fine-Very Fine & worth inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $3,250
Germany Covers, 1871-1945. One box of 290 covers and cards with various frankings, postmarks and usages, many interesting Inflation era covers are present, mixed condition, a great lot for the specialist, worth careful inspection (no photo). Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,450
Germany, German Railway Postmarks. One binder full of 72 covers & cards (plus some off cover stamps) with various railway postmarks and cancels, most franked with the Germania issue, mixed condition, please inspect (no photo). Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $250

Germany Inflation Issues. One binder with 210 covers and cards showing various different Inflation issue frankings, many spectacular multiple high value franking covering the covers, an interesting group for study, mixed condition, worth inspection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,200

Germany Third Reich Covers. Lot of 91 covers & cards with various different franking & cancels, all from Hitler's rule including prisoner of war covers, Feldpost covers, commemorative cancels, usages from Austria, etc., Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $575