Nyasaland, 1913, £10 purple and dull ultramarine. O.g., very lightly hinged, well centered amid nicely balanced margins, strong brilliant color and exceptional freshness, Extremely Fine, a wonderfully choice and rare mint high value; with 1990 D. Brandon certificate. Scott No. 24a $6,000. SG No. 99 £5,500 ($8,635).
Realized: $12,500

Orange Free State, 1900, ½d green, vertical pair. Tied by "Thaba' Nohu, O.R.O., My 13, 01" cds's on prisoner of war cover to Simon's Town, various prisoner and censor handstamps, receiving backstamps tying opened under martial law censor tape; small cover tear at top, Very Fine. Scott No. 54 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $325
1196 S
Palestine, Lettercard, 1927, 5m orange on blue gray. "Specimen" overprint, unissued entire, light tone spots and sealed, Fine. Higgins and Gage No. A I (no photo). Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $20

Rhodesia, 1910, 2d black and gray black, perf 15. O.g., rich shades, fresh and Fine. Scott No. 103b $975. SG No. 171 £900 ($1,413).
Realized: $325

Rhodesia, 1910, £1 carmine-red and bluish black. Full o.g., well centered, rich colors and remarkably fresh, Very Fine and choice, a beautiful high value. Scott No. 118 $1,150. SG No. 165 £1,100 ($1,727).
Realized: $900

St. Helena, 1922-37, ½d-£1 Badge of St. Helena issue complete. O.g., overall lightly hinged with n.h. in lower values, every stamp with rich brilliant colors and exceptional freshness, Very Fine and choice, a wonderful and striking set. Scott No. 79-99 $1,824. SG No. 92-113 £1,575 ($2,473).
Realized: $1,350
St. Kitts, Nevis, 1923, ½d-£1 Tercentenary set complete. O.g., lightly hinged (h.r. on lower values), all well centered, strong colors, a Very Fine set. Scott No. 52-64 $1,362. SG No. 48-60 £1,100 ($1,727).
Realized: $950

St. Lucia, 1967, 1¢ Statehood 1st March 1967 overprint. Complete sheet of 100, o.g., never hinged, central horizontal fold between stamps and slight soiling in portions of selvage only, otherwise Very Fine, a scarce complete sheet, unlisted in Scott and S.G. (no photo). Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80

St. Vincent, 1915, 1d on 1s black on green, "ONE" doubled. left stamp in in strip of three, also a break at left of "O" in "One" in overprint in center stamp, tied by "Kingstown, St. Vincent, Ap 8, 15" cds's on registered cover to Dominica, registry etiquette and receiving backstamp; cover with tears at top and missing backflap, Fine, a rare usage of this double overprint variety, unlisted in used condition in both S.G. and Scott catalogs. SG No. 121b. Scott No. 117d Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $950

Sarawak, 1942, 1¢-$10 Brooke issue, violet Japanese occupational overprints complete. Including additional 15¢ with black overprint (light gum soak in corner), o.g., lightly hinged, few h.r.'s, strong bright color, some usual light tone spots on some of the mid-denominations, F.-V.F., a rare complete occupational set; most values signed. Scott No. N1-N22 $4,470+. SG No. J1-J26, J15a £5,362 ($8,418).
Realized: $5,250