1851, 3¢ cover balance. 4 covers; including #10 single and horizontal pair usages, #11 with fancy "Paid" in grid cancel of Norwich Conn. and a 3¢ Nesbitt with manuscript Choctaw Agency, Miss. postmark; a nice group. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $125
1857, 3¢ Issue Covers. Reference group of over 70 covers, mostly collections for plate and shade varieties; including some fancy cancels including a nice Leominster, Ms. "3", some advertising corner cards including railroad and an early Dr. Poland White Pine Compound; condition mixed, worth inspection. Scott No. 25, 26 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $575
Air Dedication and Air Meet Covers 1920-50's. Approximately 1000 covers; vast array of airport dedication, air meets, demonstrations, conventions and other flight related dedication cacheted covers, also includes a section of U.S.S. Macon covers including crash memorial and Highway Post Office 1st trips; some duplication, excellent group of the airmail enthusiast. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550
Alaska Postal History Collection. Approximately 500 covers and cards mostly in stockbooks; early 20th material with a very nice array of real photo postcards mostly mint, 1910's steamship mail including Alaska Flyer (blue & violet cachets), R.P.O.'s, ad covers, later covers including flights, fairs, ads and a nice array of postmarks with better towns. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,900
Lot 2243
California Ephemera Group. Several dozen items including various checks, billheads including 1880's Colusa Stage Co. & 1890's San Rafael & S. F. Express, telegraph receipts; please inspect.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75
California Postal History Collection, 1850-1950's. 400+ covers and cards, over 325 different towns; better include San Francisco Wells Fargo, Pacific Express, 1850's Camposeco Calaveras Co., early Nevada city, Mills seminary 8/8/1881, Lookheford 1/16/1879, many early usages. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $900
Civil War Postal History Accumulation. Dozen of covers on stocksheets; includes many soldier letters with interesting wartime content, military imprint covers, express money cover, 1875 letter and cover from Alexander Stephens, cover from Admiral Dahlgren to Giden Walles (Sec of Navy), cover in care of Gen. Burnside, POW examiner's handstamps from Johnson Island & Camp Chase, U.S. Ship markings, etc. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $1,250
Classic Cover Stock, 1840-80's. Approximately 200 covers in two cover stockbooks with many better items throughout; including some stampless and 1850 towns, #9X1, #1 & #2 on separate covers, 1851 1¢ usages including many strips, 1851 10¢ usages including Mexico and Canada, pair, etc., 12¢ pair to England, 1857 issues with #20 strip of 3, 5¢ usages including #29 to Halifax and strip of 3 to France, 10¢ usages including to Cuba, strips of 3 to France and Austria, 12¢ & 24¢ usages, range of 1861 issues including 30¢ single and pair usages and a host of other mid-denomination transatlantic usages including many mixed frankings, Banknotes with a range of 5¢ usages to Europe, etc.; condition mixed with some very attractive usages, well worth careful evaluation. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $8,000
Commemorative Cover Hoard. Thousands of covers filling 3 large boxes; including stocks of 1930-40's flight covers with many FAM's and CAM's, more modern Space commemorative covers and some FDC's and modern mint postal stationery; lots of material, worth a look. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $450
Consignment Balance. In large box, includes FDC's including artist signed, modest postal card collection in album, etc.; please inspect. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $60