Lot 2372 /o
Austria Collection, 1850-1983. Mint and used housed in Scott album; high degree of completion throughout with mixed used classic to 1883 and virtually all mint thereafter, including 1908 Franz Josef set, some of the better semi-postal sets present with later n.h., complete mint airmails, dues, military, newspapers, somr good occupationals and offices, B&H issues, etc.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $950
Lot 2373
Austria Postal History Group. 31 covers or cards mounted on display pages; mostly stampless with a nice range of town postmarks, including usages from Treiste, Ungarn, Boehman, Steiermark, Tirol, etc.; clear postmarks the rule.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260
Lot 2374 /o
Austria Stock. Thousands of stamps somewhat unsorted on stockpages in three binders, loads of material with some heavy duplication, good postmark potential; please inspect.Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $120
Lot 2375 o/
Austrian Post Offices in Romania Postmark Collection, 1850-80. 100 stamps and cover mounted on display pages; various issues with virtually all with clear full town names, many on piece items including multiples and mixed frankings, includes the various districts including Temes, Bucovina, Banat, Transylvania and Hungarian Post Offices now in Rumanian territory; worth inspection.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $800
Lot 2376 /o
Bahamas Collection, 1859-1946. Mounted on Scott album pages and virtually complete for the period missing only a few scarcer early issues; from mint #1 x2 in shades on (one possibly Scott #1a or #1b), mint 20th century issues with highlights including KEVII & KGV definitives complete, Queen's Staircase issues, etc.; condition a bit above the norm overall.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $2,100
Lot 2377 /o
Bahamas Collection, 1862-54. On album pages, QV's mostly cplt used, good later sets including mint #49-56, view and seal sets, complete War Tax including #MR4; condition well above the norm.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $625
Lot 2378 /o
Bangkok Collection, 1882-83. 11 issues on album page; including mint Scott #3-4, 6, 12, 14-19 and used #5, with most items signed on reverse and all mint with o.g.; condition well above the norm, worth careful inspection.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $950
Lot 2379 /o
Barbados Collection, 1852-1950. Mostly mint on album pages; includes 1st issues Scott #1-9 (#8 with cert.), 1882-92 QV issues complete mint and later Badge and Seal of Colony issues complete mostly mint; condition well above the norm.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,000
Lot 2380 /o
Barbados Collection, 1874-1946. Mounted on album pages and virtually complete for the period; Britannia issues used missing the rare 4d scarlet (no 1878 surcharge halves), QV's complete including 5sh mint, Badge of Colony issues complete including 1897 issue used and others mint, complete mint issues thereon for the period including some additional used; condition above the norm overall.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $575
Lot 2381 /o
Bechuanaland Collection, 1886-1953. Mint and used on album pages; mostly used early issues, mint Protectorate issues including mint Scott #92-95, 105-116, later n.h.; condition well above the norm.Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $650