Gambia Collection, 1880-1953. Comprehensive collection on album pages; complete for the period missing only a few 1940-50's singles and set, 1880 issues complete used and all mint thereafter, including all KEVII & KGV sets and mint n.h. from 1935 on; condition well above the norm. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $725
German Area Collection, 1849-1970. Mint and used housed in 3 Scott albums, extensive range of Germany issues from early States through to DDR; good overall completion in States including Baden, nice Hannover, Saxony and strong Thurn and Taxis, Empire and early Republic issues with strong completion in complete sets mostly used and virtually complete later regular issues including booklet material, semi-postals, some occupationals and Berlin including 1949 Currency Victims sheet, DDR near complete mostly mint including the better sets and souvenir sheets present, other areas including useful Colonies and Offices, Danzig & Saar, etc.; condition mixed mostly confined in early material, a nice foundation for further expansion. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,200
German States and Empire Collection, 1850-1920. Collection housed on album pages, several hundred stamps all different, strength in Bavaria, Prussia and Thurn & Taxis, good showing of Reich issues with owner 1979 cat.$23,000 (?) with many scarce stamps present; please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500
German Area Accumulation. Thousands of stamps mint and used, including territories and occupations, German Colonies, etc., specifically collected for Michel a, b and c numbers and similar varieties, good reference accompanies, very little if any post 1950, also Poland Underground mail items during WWII occupation; overall condition above the norm, please inspect for full evaluation. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $1,900
German Area Collection, 1900-60. Mint never hinged singles and complete sets arranged by Scott #'s in glassine covering Reich, occupationals and DDR issue; comprehensive run of issues virtually missing only the souvenir sheets and scarcer singles and sets with many better throughout, amid many highlights including Scott #51-61, 330-36 (cat $271), 337-39 ($152), 351-62 ($862), 363-65 ($172), 366-84 ($960), 398-400 ($249), 401-14 ($893), 634-61 ($210), etc., including strong semi-postals, airs and a complete run of officials, occupational with similar completion as well as the DDR issues and some other related including Danzig, with many better singles and sets cataloging $100 and more; bright fresh never hinged material throughout with possibly the occasional fault however not seen on inspection, a wonderful assembly of issues and well worth careful inspection. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $5,750
German Area Collections. Various countries and areas on album pages with better singles and sets throughout; includes Allenstein, Danzig with strong completion and better, Bavaria & Wurttemberg states, Saar with good semi-postals, etc.; careful inspection recommended. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,900
German Area Group. Various better mint and used sets and occasional singles identified on stockpages; with issues of Bavaria, Danzig, Saar, Malmedy (*1N42-58, $129), some offices, etc.; well over $2,600 in cat. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $575
German Area Souvenir Sheets. 18 n.h. sheets; good to better sheets including DDR 1953 Karl Marx sheets x2, 1949 Goethe sheet, others including 1949 Hannover Fair sheet, also including a 1933 Nothilfe sheet (regummed); all fresh, Scott cat $2,205. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $625
German States Collection. Mint and used in Lighthouse album with condition above the norm; selection of states including mostly used Baden missing only the scarcer, Brunswick same with additional */o, Hamburg missing only Scott #7, Prussia complete with some variety, Saxony missing only #1 with variety, complete mostly used Thurn & Taxis issues with additional on piece, pairs */o, etc.; condition mixed mostly confined to some of the scarcer issues. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,100
German States and Provinces Approvals. Hundreds of issues on approval pages in binder, including early Baden, Bavaria, Danzig, Hamburg, Hannover, Oldenburg, Saar, strong Wurttemberg, etc.; condition mixed with much useful material; owner's total $8,536, please inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $700