Italy Collection, 1862-2001. Mix of mint and used issues mounted in 2 Scott albums, strong completion in regular issues, 19th century mostly used with complete to near complete sets, excellent completion on 20th century commemoratives missing the occasional better single or set, some occasional n.h., mint airmails including 1933 Zepp set, #C48, etc., other back-of-the-book including AMG's; condition mixed as to be expected. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $850
Italy Collection. Mint and used on pages in 4 binders; basic regular and back-of-the-book issues represented mostly used, good sections of A.M.G. and Venezia Giulia issues with additional perf, paper and gum varieties, Trieste with similar varieties and gutter pairs with many sets throughout, including the 1953 Natale issues, back-of-the-book missing some of the better sets but includes the seldom seen fiscal & tax issues with varieties, postal stationery, allied issues, etc., Socialist Republic issues including propaganda tabs, G.N.R., etc., also a run of Fiume, military and travel permit issues; worth careful inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500
Italy Collection, 1862-1986. Mostly mint in two Schaubek hingeless albums; strong completion in issues for the period missing most of the scarce items, with good representation in back-of-the-book issues; good foundation for expansion. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $450
Italy Collection, 1862-1961. Useful collection in album, 19th century with a few better issues worth checking, mix of */o thereon, airmails with some good sets including #C127-28 n.h., other back-of-the-book including Social Republic; condition mixed, please inspect. Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $500
Italy Stock, 1863-1970's. Runs of used early issues and later mint on stock pages; including Trieste issues of mostly modest duplication, other back-of-the-book, colonies, etc.; please inspect. Estimate $300 - 350.
Realized: $160
Italy Collection, 1863-2000's. Mint & used regular issues on album pages in 2 binders; 19th century with runs of mostly used issues highlighted by a used 1879 30c brown (Scott #49, cat $1,900), 20th century with some good early mint sets, useful back-of-the-book, later issues mostly used selected for neat or light cancels. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $625
Italy Collection. Mint and used housed on old fashioned album leaves from useful imperfs on through to the turn of the century, most overprints present including Grociera 1924 series, Mazoni complete mint set (foxed), nearly all the good series from the 1930's, Zeppelins and many other airmails, good range of WWII but particularly 1944 onwards thought to the early 60's, including mint airmails complete 100l-200l St Caterinas, substantial catalog, viewing recommended. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $950
Italy Stock. Early mint and used issues identified and cataloged on dealer pages, from early issues to the 1950's (no modern); including a few scarcer mixed */o issues including Sc. #26 & 48 (no gum) and occasional better in quantity, some good sets, later commemoratives */o, range of back-of-the-book issues, a little colonies, duplication modest to moderate (no heavy); mixed condition mostly confined to early issues with attractive material throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $375
Italy Collections. 3 collection albums; includes mostly used collection with some mint airmails, occupation - A.M.G. collection and modern mint issues; good useful material. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75
Italy Accumulation. Mix of mostly good to better singles and sets on stock pages, cards, glassine, etc.; mint commemoratives., back-of-the-book including good airmails (C42-7 n.h.), and others, some colonies and occupations; condition varies with nice fresh material. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $450