Latin America Airmail Collection, 1920-60. Mint issues in two early Yvert & Tellier albums, better sets throughout including Argentina 1930 blue overprint Zepp set and 1931Anniversary set, Bolivia with 1930 "Z" surcharges, good Brazil, Colombia with later 1920 CC de NA issues, #C12-16, etc., Costa Rica, Dominica, Guatemala, good Mexico, etc.; nice fresh sets throughout, well worth inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,700
Latin America Stock. Hundreds of singles and sets identified in glassine; Panama and Peru issues including the Venezuela 1951 Industry and Arms sets; fresh material, worth inspection. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $525
Lebanon Collection, 1924-69. Housed in special Mittel album; nearly complete for the period missing about 20 singles and partial or full sets for basic completion, virtually all mint with most used in later 1940's sets, airmails including better singles and sets, souvenir sheets, dues, etc.; bright fresh material throughout. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $700
Leeward Islands Collection, 1890-1954. Comprehensive mint collection on album pages missing only two lesser value stamps for basic completion for the period; including complete QV's with 1890 First issues and 1897 Jubilees complete, KEVII issues with all better high values present and KGV issues complete including high values, later issues including n.h.; condition well above the norm, the finest Leeward Island collection we have ever had the pleasure to offer. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,100
Liechtenstein Collection, 1912-75. Comprehensive collection in Schaubek album in hingeless with a good showing of never hinged throughout; basic completion in regular, commemorative, airmail and other back-of-the-book issues, with highlights including 1915 Prince set (#1a-3a, 3b, cat $1,012), 1921 Views including perf varieties #55a-61a complete, 1928 Prince Johan II set, 1930 Views with perf varieties, later issues highlighted by a never hinged #131 and the 1934 5f Vaduz sheet (cat $2,450, small faint edge crease), officials and dues; bright fresh material with condition well above the norm. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,900
Liechtenstein Collection, 1912-70's. In two volume Linder albums; mostly used including semi-postals, souvenir sheets, some noted varieties needing to be checked; please inspect for evaluation. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $725
Liechtenstein Collection, 1912-42. Mostly mint on album pages; basic completion of regular, semi postal, airmail & postage due issues including the 1934 Vanduz souvenir sheet; worth inspection. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,400
Liechtenstein FDC's, 1980-90's. Over 100 cacheted unaddressed covers in stockbooks, including a few cards of the same. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $120
Luxembourg Collection, 1851-1989. Mostly mint in Lighthouse album, used 19th and mint 20th century with a strong showing of never hinged throughout; better classic issues including 4 margin #1-2, all neat town cancels of better coat of arms Frankfurt prints on, bit sparse to 1890's including the 1906 10c souvenir sheet n.h, virtually complete later issues (no 1923 souvenir sheet) including semi-postal with 1935 Professionals set, other back-of-the-book including some officials and occupations, etc.; condition a bit above the norm overall. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,300
Luxembourg Collection, 1852-1946. Housed on album pages; basic completion in regular issues missing only the early souvenir sheets and include early shades, airmails and semi-postals virtually complete, etc.; condition mixed mostly confined to early issues, please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $575