Selangor Collection, 1878-1962. Well formed mint collection housed on hingeless album pages with a high degree of completion throughout; QV issues staring with 1878 crescent & star handstamp in red overprint issue, 1881-89 overprints near basic completion with additional variations, 1891 surcharges complete, following issues lacking only the 1895-99 $10 & $25 values for completion, 1943 occupational issue complete, etc.; bright fresh material with overall condition well above the norm. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,600
Sungei Ujong Collection, 1881-95. Mint on hingeless pages with many better issues; including 1881-83 2¢ two-line overprint with additional variations, 1882-83 2¢ "S.U." & "S U" types, following 1885-90 overprints with basic completion and again with an array of variations including pairs, etc., couple good surcharges and later issues present; bright fresh material with condition well above the norm overall. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,600
Trengganu Collection, 1921-63. Mint on hingeless album pages with a high degree of completion for the period; with 1921-38 Sultan issue complete to the $5 including the chalky paper issues, following regular issues complete including 1922 Malaya - Borneo set, etc., semi-postal & dues complete, some good occupational dues and regular issues varieties; overall condition well above the norm. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $950
Malta Collection, 1860-1960. Comprehensive mint collection housed on album pages; starting with early QV's with #1, 1885 set complete, etc., 20th century issues complete to 1956 missing only the rare 1919 10sh and includes the Malta-Britannia issues, Postage and Revenue and Self - Government overprint sets, dues including first issues in tete-beche pairs; a wonderful collection with condition well above the norm. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,400
Malta collection, 1863-1990. Mostly mint in two albums, early QV's mostly mint including a used 1886 5sh value, 1899 issues complete mint, 1901-11 complete and mint except one stamp, 1914-21 issues including 2sh mint, 1922 issues including Scott #82 mint (cat $250), 1922-25 issues near complete including mint £1 (cat $140), strong completion in later including 1928 set complete mint, collection appears complete from 1935 on, back-of-the-book issues complete; condition mixed in early material. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $900
Mauritius Collection, 1848-1924. Interesting collection of */o on album pages, with a range of 1848-59 QV primitives including 1d intermediate on yellowish (#3b, cat $2,400) and 2d late (faulty but present) as well several other 1d issues worn and late (cat $925), 1859 2d issues including early, intermediate and late impressions (#14B, 14Bc & 14Bd, total cat $3,325), five 1859 2d laid papers including marginal single (minimum cat $2,625), nice mix of later issues with some modest yet useful duplication; condition mixed as to be expected. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,450
Mauritius Collection, 1848-1970's. Well formed mint and used collection on album pages with high degree in completion of basic issues overall; 1848 1d-2d with additional 1d (worn & late), 1859 2d early impression (cat $2,250), 1859 1d-2d laid papers, */o Seated Britannia issue missing only the 4d overprint and 1sh perf'd, strong completion in later issues missing only some of the scarcer issues including used 1860-72 issues and later QV's missing only a few issues, Coat of Arms issues appear complete virtually all mint, good KEVII-KGV issues, deliveries & dues, etc.; condition mixed as to be expected with many better issues throughout, an attractive collection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,250
Mauritius Collection, 1848-1926. Small collection on early annotated quadrille pages in Poole album; starting with large margin 1848, 1d late impression (cat $450) and faulty #14Bc, few seated Britannias and early 1860's QV's including some wing margin copies and 4 different "CANCELLED" overprints, nice range of later issues mostly mint; condition a bit above the norm. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $290
Mauritius Collection, 1849-1961. Mostly mint on album pages; selection of early issues including Scott #9 used and #14c (sound with cert.), all mint from 1863 on including better early QV's, some good 1870's surcharges, complete issues from 1885 to 1917 with later KGV high values present, complete 1930-50 issues, etc.; a lovely collection with condition well above the norm. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,350
Mesopotamia Collection, 1918-21. Mostly mint on album pages; with a few better Bagdad issues, complete mint Iraq & Mosul issues, some officials, etc.; inspect for evaluation. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $425