German States, Collection, 1850-1920. Nicely displayed in 2 hingeless Lighthouse Albums, one primarily for used, the other for mint; good representation of most States, greater value in the used; also including covers from most States; some stamps with certificates either Philatelic Foundation or German experts; condition appears to be generally F-VF, many mint with original gum; high catalog value and deserves much closer evaluation. Estimate $3,500 - 5,000.
Realized: $2,700
German States, Collection, 1851-1867. Baden & Hamburg, neatly displayed on album pages, mostly used with numeral cancels for Baden, parallel bars for Hamburg; interesting selection, owner's catalog value in 2010 Michel German Specialized for Baden €1957, Hamburg €1959; total in $4934; please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260
German States, & German Empire. Several hundred stamps virtually all used, neatly displayed in a large stockbook, including Baden #1 onwards, with 2 dozen imperfs and further perf issues to 30kr; Bavaria from #2 onwards, with 2 dozen imperfs including square to 18kr red (signed Helbig); also shields to 18kr imperf and perf and subsequent definitives, as well 1911 to 20m and much more through to the 'E' and perfin officials, etc; Bergedorf, Brunswick to 3sg and x4 ¼ rouletted, etc; Hamburg, Heligoland, Lubeck, NGF, Alsace-Lorraine, Prussia extensive with over 20 imperfs, etc; Saxony from shields onwards, Thurn and Taxis also extensive; Wurttemberg with 40 arms issues to 18kr and much more; then Empire issues from the shields onwards; somewhat less strong but a lot of material here as well; useful Weimar Republic including eagles to 3mk, chevrons to 50pf, mint Hindenburg definitives also mint 1927 to 80pf both colors, Zeppelins with 2x 1rm, 2x 2rm and 2x 4rm, plus various other better series to 50pf, etc;. catalog value high, condition mixed in the 19th century, yet also VF seen here as well; viewing highly recommended. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,050
Germany & Colonies, 1850-1969. Extensive 2 volume collection, with nice selection of States mint and/or used; Empire is nearly complete mint and/or used from 1889 to end; includes mint 1902 20pf-5m, some booklet panes & tête-bêches; 1948 Numeral sets mint; 1951-52 Posthorns mint; 1930 IPOSTA S/S mint; 1933 Goethe Semi-postal set mint; 1933 (#B58) S/S hinged in margin only (NH Cat. $5,250); 1935 OSTROPA S/S mint; many complete sets mint & used; Airmails complete including a never hinged set of 1933 Chicago Zeppelins; Occupation issues nearly complete mint including S/S?s; Berlin appears complete mint for period including Black & Red overprints & Semi-postal S/S; Colonies finish the collection & are extremely strong; a beautiful old-time collection (Berlin overprints were bought as new issues). Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $6,000
Germany, Postal History Collection, 1850's-1930's. About three hundred covers and cards housed in a thick loose leaf volume, mostly organized and identified by Michel, loaded with registered, advertising and desirable multiples on cover; highlights include Wurttemberg imperf classic on 1852 cover, through to a highly unusual and colorful section of ten late 19th century covers registered from Lipoldsweiler with various franking combinations, all redirected including two returned from New York in 1888; also a range of "nachname" labels, early special cancels, inflation material;some early airpost forerunner flight card and other back of the book labels on cover; further good inflation including 5 billion marks pair on cover and two blocks of four on cover; much more here, please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $850
German Area, Sundry, 1870-1955. Selection of mint & used, some better, including Colonies, Berlin, Federal Republic Post Horns + post-War commemoratives; GDR with Mao set, etc; Empire issues and much more, please inspect. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $260
Germany & Austria Area, Sundry, 1870-1950's. Selection on black stockcards, including a few classics and States, some Empire issues, then Federal post-War including Post Horns complete & some good commemoratives, G.D.R. Mao set, etc; Austria better definitives; Danube Steam Navigation items; much more, please inspect. Estimate $350 - 500.
Realized: $290
German Area, Sundry, 1870-1955. Interesting mix of material, from Empire & 3rd Reich to Federal post-War including post-horns complete; few Offices & Colonies; G.D.R. Mao set, etc; please inspect for accurate evaluation. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $200
German Area, Selection, 1870's-1950's. Sundry singles & sets, including some better DDR items, occasional questionable, needs careful evaluation for true value, please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $200
Germany, Postal Stationery Collection, 1875-1960. Collector's collection of mostly used postal stationery of Germany, States, a few Colonies, Offices, Occupations, Saar, etc., over 500 items virtually all different housed in two albums (one bulging) as assembled over several decades, organized and identified by Michel, starting with States including Bavaria colorful illustrated Luitpold card 1911, 'Barmen-Elberfeld' Courier stationery, extensive Wurttemberg including newspaper wrappers unused and used; plus colorful multiple frankings on stationery, large official cards and envelopes, etc; range of Stuttgart locals, followed by Germany proper with Eagles, Germanias, inflation, 'Nothilfe' semi-postal cards illustrated, Third Reich color propaganda, etc;. the second book highlights an extensive range of officials including Wurttemburg inflation, then Soviet Zone including illustrated currency revaluation 10pf+5pf card, 'Gultig Armee' occupation of Romania, Saar surcharges, etc. 1999 Michel catalog value 5,300DM ($2700++), no doubt far more today. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $850