Worldwide, Enormous Balance, 1900-2000. Estate as received, packed in 24 large cartons, consisting of many albums, stockbooks, glassines, envelopes, pages, covers, loose stamps, etc; many surprises to be unearthed here, impossible for us to properly evaluate, please inspect. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,750
Worldwide, Estate. One man?s collection/accumulation of predominantly Germany and related areas; sold as one lot that includes a beautiful 4 volume hingeless collection with many NH and better items, a group of NH sheets, etc., from the 1940?s through the 1960?s (Scott cat. on the sheets alone is over $3,000.); a great lot. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,600
Worldwide, Collection. Mint and used housed in 5 Scott brown International albums; good representation throughout with the occasional better; including China with large and small dragons, Cilicia postage due sets, useful Belgian Congo, Hong Kong with a selection of early issues and later including 1891 Jubilee used, high values and the 1879 3c on 16c postcard stamp (thins), some good later Italian Colony sets, Korea with better early issues, good Obock high values, Portugal with 1928 set mint, useful Sarawak, Thailand first issues, etc.; worth careful evaluation. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $3,250
Worldwide, Souvenir & Miniature Sheet Stock. Hundreds of sheets (including booklet) on dealer pages and arranged by country in 13 binders, mostly items cataloging in the $2-$15 range with better up to $100+, including Bangladesh Sc. #68a, Chine including PRC, strong section of Hong Kong sheets, Japan including Sc. #378a (2) and some Park sheets, etc., mostly single items with some occasional duplication modest to moderate, virtually all mint n.h. with the occasional used sheet; Scott catalog value approximately $12,000. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,700
Worldwide, One Man's Estate, 19th & 20th Century. Packed intact as delivered in three large cartons; many albums including nice Scott United States album with mint Colombians 1¢-30¢, Airmails, etc.; nice Scott Worldwide Albums with much good material; please inspect. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,000
Worldwide, Stamps, 1875-1975. 1000's of sales cards with a wide variety of singles, sets, including much better British Commonwealth; German, French & Italian Colonies with items to $300 or more; high catalog value but very little 19th Century classics, much value in 1900-1940 period should be viewed with a sharp eye for premium items which are abundant, intermixed with lower priced material; nice group of U.S.A. revenues in excellent condition, and a good showing of foreign revenues (value somewhat mysterious), o.g., hinged or never hinged. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,400
Worldwide, Zeppelin Stamps Collection, 1928-1933. Accumulation of over 80 stamps, all Zeppelin related, including Liechtenstein C7-8, C15-16 all NH; Germany Polar Fahrt set, 2m & 4m Chicagofahrt; Sudamerikafahrt set with couple duplicates; C35-37 with duplicates; Iceland 1931 set; various Latin America issues; Hungary, Finland, Cirenaica, Tripolitania, Russia, Egypt, Italy, USA C18; and more; generally F-VF or better, please inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900
Worldwide, Collections, 1860-2000. Stuffed into 3 large cartons, albums & stockbooks, some with topical interest, much closer examination recommended, please inspect, o.g., hinged or never hinged. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,350
Worldwide, Remainder of Estate. Holding from the estate that yielded the great country lots sold earlier in the auction; includes 1 full box of small collection remainders that have quite a bit of good material left - a nice little treasure trove. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $850
Worldwide, Collection. Mint and used housed in 3 Scott Junior International albums, strong basic completion throughout with some better; including useful Austria, Belgium, China, France including some offices, Germany including mint Von Stephen set, Italy including a section of good to better mint occupational/colonies sets including Agean Islands Sc. #31-35 (cat. $520) and airmail set, Italian Colonies Sc. #23-31 & 46-50, Tripolitania sets including #B50-53 (cat $142), Netherlands including 1913 set to the 5g used, Portugal with good 1940's mint sets, Russia, some good Thailand, section of British Commonwealth with some good mint and used, etc.; worth evaluation. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,300