950 (
Cape of Good Hope, 1858, 1d rose on cream-toned paper. Without gum, clear to full margins, bright color, Very Fine. Scott No. 3 $600. SG No. 5a £475 ($746).
Realized: $145

Lot 951 o
Cape of Good Hope, 1861 "Wood Block", 1d vermilion. Grid and circular foreign transit cancels, full margins, strong color, light crease, otherwise Very Fine, still a lovely full margin example of this very scarce issue. Scott No. 7.SG No. 13 £2,250 ($3,532).
Realized: $350

Lot 952 o
Cape of Good Hope, 1861 "Wood Block", 4d pale milky blue. 3 ample to enormous margins (may well be a corner margin single), fresh color, light cancel, F.-V.F.; with 1985 D. Brandon and 1964 Pfenninger certificates. Scott No. 9 $3,000.SG No. 14 £1,700 ($2,669).
Realized: $900

Lot 953 o
Cayman Islands, 1895, Jamaica 2½d. Used with partial "Grand Cayman" postmark, Very Fine and scarce. SG No. Z8.Sc SG £850 ($1,334).
Realized: $525

Cayman Islands, 1907, ½d on 5s & 1d on 5s vermilion & green. O.g., bright colors, Very Fine. Scott No. 18-19 $725. SG No. 18-19 £525 ($824).
Realized: $280

Ceylon, 1903-05 2c-2r25c KEVII Issue Complete. O.g., hinged, some low values never hinged, bright colors, Very Fine. Scott No. 166-177 $203. SG No. 265-276 £160 ($251).
Realized: $105

Ceylon, 1904-10, 2c-10r KEVII Definitives. Multiple Crown CA, o.g., hinged, lovely fresh colors, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 178-196 $279.
Realized: $115

Ceylon, 1912-1920, 1c-20r King George V Definitives. O.g., hinged, fresh bright colors, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 200-214 $301.
Realized: $115

Ceylon, 1912-1920, 1c-20r King George V Definitives. Multiple Crown CA, o.g., hinged, bright colors, F.-V.F. and attractive. Scott No. 200-214 $301.
Realized: $90

Ceylon, 1921-1933, 1c-20r King George V Definitives. Multiple Crown & Script CA, lovely colors, o.g., hinged, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 225-244 $312.
Realized: $105