France, 1850, 10c bister on yellowish. 2 pairs and single tied on piece by "173" dotted diamond cancels, Audruicq town cds alongside, ample to mostly large margins, rich bright color, Very Fine and choice; with 2006 Behr certificate. Scott No. 1. Maury No. 1 €2,250 ($3,082).
Realized: $1,250

France, 1850, 10c bister on yellowish. Large margins and rich color, tied by bold strike of dotted star cancel on folded mourning cover to Blamont, matching "Paris, 17 Mai, 52" cds and receiving backstamp; cover tone spots and central file fold, otherwise Very Fine. Maury No. 1 €800 ($1,096). Scott No. 1 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $250

1140 o
France, 1850, 15c green on greenish. Block of 4, diamond roller cancel, ample to large margins, right pair with pressed out vertical crease, otherwise Very Fine, a very rare multiple; signed Calves. Scott No. 2. Maury No. 2. Yvert No. 2 €95,000 ($130,150).
Realized: $7,500

France, 1862, 15c yellow green, Re-Issue. O.g., lightly hinged, ample to full margins, bright and fresh, F.-V.F. Scott No. 2d. Maury No. 2f €900 ($1,233).
Realized: $190

France, 1849, 20c black on yellowish. Clear to full margins, tied by diamond lozenge cancels in combination with 1852, 10c pale bister on yellowish, on 1853 cover to Munster, "? origin date stamp; 10¢ with repaired upper left margin and minor cover toning, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 3+10. Maury No. 3+9 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,750

France, 1849, 20c black on buff. Block of 4, brownish o.g., ample margins, deep color, Very Fine, a very scarce multiple. Scott No. 3b. Maury No. 3c €9,500 ($13,015).
Realized: $2,100

France, 1862, 20c black on yellowish, Re-Issue. O.g., tiny hinge remnant, full margins, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 3d. Maury No. 3k €550 ($753).
Realized: $145

France, 1850, 25c light blue on bluish, block of 4. Canceled by diamond grid cancels on cover to Mont Richard, "Paris, 27 Dec, 51" cds and receiving backstamp; top left stamp with tear at top, otherwise F.-V.F., a very rare First Issue multiple on cover. Scott No. 6. Maury No. 4; €11,500 ($15,755) Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,900

Lot 1146 o
France, 1849, 40c orange on yellowish. Dotted diamond lozenge cancel, clear to ample margins, F.-V.F. Scott No. 7.Maury No. 5 €600 ($822).
Realized: $145

France, 1849, 40c orange on yellowish. Clear to ample margins, bright color, tied by dotted star cancel on folded letter sheet to Fleurier, Switzerland, "Paris, 17 Fevr, 52" origin cds and appropriate backstamps, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 7. Maury No. 5 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $425