Mexico, 1839 La Guardia, Spain to Puebla. Cover endorsed "Correo Maritimo" with red "Galicia Guardia" origin oval handstamp, boxed "Vera Cruz, Septiembre 27" date stamp and reverse with fancy "3" in circle handstamp, with original enclosure, F.-V.F., a scarce maritime usage with the very rare Guardia oval handstamp. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $475

Mexico, 1848 Halifax, England to Mexico City. Folded letter franked with G.B. 1847, 1sh pale green, two singles (cut-to-shape) + 1841, 1d red brown + 2d blue, all tied by barred numeral cancels, "Via Southampton + per Packet" endorsement, reverse with red "L.S., Fe 1, 1848" in cross date stamp, Very Fine. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $325

Mexico, 1855 Bordeaux, France to Veracruz. Folded letter sheet franked with France 1853, 20c blue + 40c orange + 80c lake, strip of three tied by "441" dotted lozenge cancels, "Bordeaux 28 Mars, 55" cds and red British transit cds; cover with small internal holes hole at center and file fold affecting bottom 80c, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $210

Mexico, 1855 Bordeaux, France to Veracruz. Folded letter sheet franked with France 1853, 10c bister + 20c blue + 40c orange + 80c lake tied by "441" dotted lozenge cancels, "Bordeaux 28 Mai, 55" cds and red British transit cds additionally tying stamps at top; cover with small eroison hole at bottom, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $210

Mexico, 1856 Bordeaux, France to Veracruz. Folded prices current sheet franked with France 1853, 10c bister + 20c blue + 40c orange, strip of three (folded over cover and torn) tied by "441" dotted lozenge cancels, "Bordeaux 30 Dec, 56" cds and red British transit cds, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

Mexico, 1857 Paris, France to Veracruz. Folded letter sheet franked with France 1853-60, 80c lake, strip of four + 20c blue, two singles all tied by "E" dotted lozenge cancels, "via des Etats Unis" endorsement at top, "Paris, 17 Aout, 57" origin cds and red New York transit cds with matching "Am. Service" boxed handstamp, "2" inland rate handstamp; some light cover fading and file fold through stamps, F.-V.F. appearance, still a very rare high franking usage, ex Schimmer. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $290

Mexico, 1859 London, England to Durango. Folded letter sheet franked with G.B. 1857, 1d rose red tied by barred "31" cancel, manuscript "Returned for better address" notation crossed out with two red London cds's, manuscript "1/5" rate and "2" reales inland rate handstamp; file fold affecting stamp, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $120

Mexico, 1859 London, England to Mexico City. Folded letter franked with 1857, 1d rose red tied by barred numeral cancel, red "Lombard Street, Paid, Ja 14, 59" origin cds, "Via United States" endorsement handstamp, manuscript "1/5" rate and "4" reales inland rate handstamp applied at Veracruz, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $230

Mexico, 1859 London, England to Mexico City. Folded letter franked with G.B. 1856-57, 1sh green, pair + 2d blue + 1d rose red tied by button cancels, "pr La Plata" endorsement and bold "2" rate handstamp additionally tying 1d, reverse with blue "London, Ja 1, 58" cds, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $1,150

Mexico, 1862 London, England to Mexico City. Folded letter with red "Lombard Street, Paid Ap 12, 62" origin cds and endorsed "Via France St. Nazaire" at top, sent on the maiden voyage of the new French Transatlantic Service Louisiane, red Calais transit cds and "2" inland rate handstamp applied at Veracruz, Very Fine, ex Schimmer. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190