Lot 2040
Autographs & Manuscript Literature Collection, 23 mostly auction catalogs featuring autographs, free franks, etc; broad range of material with a wealth of information.Estimate $30 - 40.
Realized: $15
Lot 2041
Carriers and Locals Literature Balance, 8 handbooks and various specialized auction sale catalogs and articles; publications including Patton Private Local Posts of the U.S., Boyd's Local Posts in New York City 1844-1882 and The Local Posts in Brooklyn, N.Y. 1844-1882, Hale Byways of Philately, Mosher Catalog of Private Express Labels and Stamps, Perry & Hall 100 Years Ago, Perry Pats Paragraphs (1981 printing), auction/net price catalogs including Siegel Golden Collection, Frajola Middendorf Collection and various 1970 R. Lowe sales, other manuscripts including Patton articles in The Philatelist.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $90
Lot 2042
Numismatic Literature Balance, 12 publications; includes Yeoman Handbook of U.S. Coins, Friedberg Guide Book of U.S. Paper Money, Deisher Making the Grade, Bressett Official American Numismatic Association Grading Standards for U.S. Coins, Rulau U.S. Tokens 1700-1900, Krause Standard Catalog of World Coins, Fricke Collecting Confederate Paper Money and Lange Complete Guide to Buffalo Nickels.Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $20
Lot 2043
Philatelic Library Catalog Reference, 5 hardbound publications; includes Harris Standard Index to Philatelic Literature 1879-1925, signed Bierman Catalog of the Bierman Philatelic Library (1985 & revised 1989 editions), Philately: A Catalog of the Collectors Club Library, New York City and The Ricket Library 1945 auction sale (with pr's), also a photocopy of Catalogue of the Philatelic Library of the Earl of Crawford, K.T.Estimate $40 - 60.
Realized: $210
Lot 2044
Revenue Literature Group, 3 handbooks; 1899 Toppan et al Historical Reference List of the Revenue Stamps of the U.S. (so called Boston Revenue Book, softbound worn covering), Turner Essays and Proofs of the U.S. Internal Revenue Stamps and Aldrich Census of U.S. Match and Medicine Stamps.Estimate $40 - 60.
Realized: $20
Lot 2045
Stampless Literature Balance, includes D. Thompson's working rebound ASCC (1997), 1839 edition of Register of All Officers and Agents in the Service of the U.S., photocopies of a New Hampshire stampless exhibition collection and photographic slides of various stampless covers.Estimate $30 - 40.
Realized: $10
Lot 2046
United States Literature Balance, group of 20 or so titles, including some very useful: original Planty FDC catalogs Classic-1939 looseleaf in 3-ring binder; Starnes United States Letter Rates to Foreign Destinations, 1847-GPU-UPU (2 copies); Leutzinger The Handstamps of Wells, Fargo & Co., 1852-1895; Helbock Postmarks On Postcards; Knapp Pony Express; Nathan & Boggs The Pony Express;American Stampless Cover Catalog Vol. I & II; Johl The United States Commemorative Stamps of the Twentieth Century Vols I & II, both autographed by Johl; Laurence The George Walcott Collection of Used Civil War Patriotic Covers; Dietz Confederate States Catalog and Hand-Book, 1959; Cole Cancellations and Killers of the Banknote Era, 1870-1894; Burdick Pioneer Post Cards; Bomar Postal Markings of United States Expositions; Nathan Franks of Western Expreesses; Helbock Western Post Offices; three books on Arizona Postal History; one on Montana & one of Nevada.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $180
Lot 2047
United States Literature Balance, 14 handbooks; includes 4 volume Johl U.S. Postage Stamps of the 20th Century, French Encyclopedia of Plate Varieties, Graham U.S. Postal History Sampler, Rose U.S. Postage Stamps of 1869, Preister U.S. Beer Stamps, Schmidt Encyclopedia of Texas Post Offices, Litchfield Oleomargarine Tax Stamps and Licences, Kramer U.S. Telegraph Stamps and Franks, etc.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $85
Lot 2048
United States Literature Balance, 6 publications; including Brookman U.S. Postage Stamps of the 19th Century, Vol. I-III (1989 reprint), Baker Bakers' U.S. Classics, Alexander Simpson's U.S. Postal Markings 1851-61 (1979 expanded 2nd ed.), Hungerford Wells Fargo Advancing the American Frontier, etc.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $40
Lot 2049
United States Literature Balance, miscellaneous group of publications, including Byways of Philately Privately -Owned Posts and Early Locals compiled by Elliott Perry; "President Franklin D. Roosevelt" Collection, 1946 auctions by H.R. Harmer, Inc., New York; with priced realized; "The Palace Collections of Egypt", 1954 auctions by H.R. Harmer, Ltd., Cockrill Series Booklet No. 33 on "Egypt Interpostals"; "The Kings of Egypt and their Stamps" by Robson Lowe Ltd., F.-V.F.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $135