U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Jan. 24, duplex ties 1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. on cover to Brooklyn N.Y., endorsed "per Coptic", flap with red "Canadian Pacific Railway, Royal Mail Steamship" imprint, San Francisco (2.15) and Brooklyn (2.20) backstamps. Scott No. 288 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170

U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Dec 4 '99, duplex ties 1898, 10¢ brown, type I, straddle edge at right, on cover with preprinted address to Chicago Ill., purple "Via San Francisco" endorsement handstamp, framed "Forwarded by Wisner & Co., shanghai, 2 Dec. 1899" forwarder's handstamp on back, Chicago (1.2) arrival backstamp; opened for display, Very Fine, A scarce Shanghai forwarder's marking. Scott No. 282C Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, 12 May '00, duplex ties 1895, 5¢ chocolate on cover to New Haven, Conn., printed "Nanyang College, Shanghai" corner card, San Francisco (6.5) and New Haven (6.10) backstamp transits; reduced slightly at right and paper crease, F.-V.F. Scott No. 270 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $135

U.S. Postal Agency At Shanghai, 20th Century Postal History, 1903-1932, collection of 33 covers or cards with some interesting corner cards and frankings, mostly mounted on pages, better includes two #300 singles on illustrated Hapag Line corner card envelope to San Francisco, #279B on 1903 post card from Shanghai showing Station Woosung and Train, 2¢ Franklin on 1922 cover to Easton Pa. with 2¢ Postage Due stamp added, 1914 faulty cover with 2¢ Franklin and magenta "Per Empress" directional handstamp, 1903 use from American Church Mission at Nankin with original letter and two pictures, and 1905 use from South Chih-li Mission in Tai Ming-fu, North China with original enclosures; some faults, F.-V.F. group with some interesting usages. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $800

U.S. Pos. Service, Shanghai, China, Feb 12 '15, fine strike of duplex ties 1¢ green, horizontal pair, on cover to Hawaii, endorsed "Yamashiro/Nippon Maru" at top; hint of toning, Very Fine and scarce destination. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110

1917 (C.) Shanghai, China To Seattle, Wash., large package front bearing 3¢ Wash., block of ten and two singles, cancelled by matching strikes of U.S. Pos. Service Shanghai duplexes, endorsed "Per S.S. 'Siberia Maru' ", purple "P B C" handstamp for passed by censor; some reinforced edge tears, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $105

U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China, Oct 5, 1918, clear strike of duplex cancel on cover with "Knights of Columbus War Activities" part-printed return address to Los Angeles Cal., purple "A.E.F. Siberia, Censored" boxed handstamp, signed by censor, some edge flaws and surface abrasion, F.-V.F., a scarce use. Estimate $200 - 300.
The first American troops of the A.E.F. arrived in Siberia in Sep. 1918 and authorization for establishment of a postal agency followed soon after, no special datestamp was immediately available and so this U.S. Postal Agency in Shanghai marking was used on a provisional basis until the correct handstamp could be supplied. This temporary use of the Shanghai marking was only operational for three weeks until Oct. 17.
Realized: $450

"U.S. Pos. Service, Shanghai, China, Jul 13 '21", fine strike of duplex ties 1920, 1¢ Pilgrim, horizontal pair, nat. s.e. at left, on cover to Chicago Ill.; some cover flaw, clean and Very Fine. Scott No. 548 Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $85

1914 (Sep. 28) Vera Cruz, Mexico Postal Agency To Mexico D.F., registered used bearing two U.S. 5¢ Wash. singles tied by "Vera Cruz, Mexico, U.S. Postal Agency" framed handstamps, Mexico 1c. and 20c. tied by Agency h.s. and later with blue "Certificado, Mexico D.F., Oct 1 1914" oval d.s., purple "Vera Cruz, Mex., U.S. M. Ag., Registered Sep 28 1914" backstamps; small left edge tear, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $130

1896 (Nov. 11) Wuhu, China To Canton, Ohio, cover with clear strike of rare "Wuhu Customs, Mail Matter" rimless oval handstamp in red and with matching "Customs, Wuhu, 11 Nov 1896" double-circle datestamp on reverse along with blue "Customs, Shanghai, Nov 13, 1896" double-circle datestamp, addressed to "Major. William McKinley, President elect of U.S.A.", entered Japanese post with Japan 1896, 5¢ deep ultra, corner fault, tied by "Shanghai, I.J.P.O., 15 Nov 96" cds; Yokohama (11.20) transit and Canton (12.10) arrival backstamps, printed "Dr. E. H. Hart, Wuhu, China" corner card; some cover creasing, F.-V.F. Scott No. Japan #88 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $11,000