Eight Section Grid, clear strike ties 1870, 6¢ carmine on 1872 cover to Dresden, Germany, red "New York Paid All Direct Aug 22" exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Cimbria from New York Aug. 22nd to Plymouth arriving Sep. 2nd, red Hamburg Franco (9.4.72) framed transit, Dresden (9.5) arrival backstamp, original letter enclosed; stamp with trivial stain spot, flap taped with minor repairs, Very Fine, One of only two recorded examples of this rare NYFM cancel. Scott No. 148. Weiss No. TR-G18 Estimate $400 - 600.
Weiss recorded only one other example of this cancel dated Aug. 17th and illustrated on page 330. This puts the date range as Aug. 17th to Aug. 22, 1872.

Eight-Point Radial, small 19mm design, bold strike ties 1870, 10¢ brown, well centered on 1871 cover to Germany, red "New York Paid All, Br Transit, Jan 25" exchange also ties 10¢, although endorsed per Manhattan, actually carried by Guion Line Wyoming from New York Jan. 25 to Queenstown arriving Feb. 5th, German (2.8) arrival backstamp; top edge repaired, Fine; with 2003 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 150. Weiss No. TR-W unlisted Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

Eight-Section Circular Grid, bold strikes tie 1870, 6¢ carmine and 1870, 12¢ dull purple vertical pair, on 1870 legal size cover to Royston, England, red "New York Nov 26" exchange cds, carried by Inman Line City of Brooklyn from New York to Queenstown arriving Dec. 5th, Royston (12.7) arrival backstamp; cover tears incl. one into bottom 12¢, Fine, One of only four recorded examples of this cancel.; with 2003 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 148, 151. Weiss No. TR-G20 Estimate $200 - 300.

Eight-Section Circular Grid, two strikes, one bold and complete ties 1870, 24¢ purple and two 1870, 2¢ red brown singles (one a replacement), on 1871 cover at 28¢ treaty rate to Bark Kathleen at St. Helena, partial red "New York '24' Feb 4" exchange cds, red London Paid (2.13) transit cds and red crayon "1" pence colonial credit rating; reduced at right, Fine, This is the only recorded NYFM cover to St. Helena and One of only four recorded examples of this cancel. ex-Norman Clowes; with 1991 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 146 (2), 153. Weiss No. TR-G20 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $550

Elaborate Negative Geometric, neat complete strike ties 1873, 3¢ green, small faults, on 1875 cover to Brighton, England, "New York Dec 19" Station D backstamp, red "New York Dec 22" exchange cds, Very Fine; with 2003 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 158. Weiss No. GE-EN7 Estimate $300 - 400.

Elaborate Negative Geometric, bold strike cancels 3¢ green on amber entire and ties 1873, 3¢ green to Bremen, Germany, red "New York Feb 24" exchange cds, Bremen (3.12.75) arrival backstamp; opening tear at top, Very Fine; with 2003 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 158 + U83. Weiss No. GE-EN4 Estimate $200 - 300.

Elaborate Negative Geometric, sharp strike ties 1873, 6¢ dull pink, rich color, on light blue folded cover to London, England, red "New York Mar 27" exchange cds, carried as endorsed by Inman Line City of Chester from New York to Queenstown arriving Apr. 5th, red London Paid (4.5); vertical file fold barely affects 6¢, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 159. Weiss No. GE-EN2 Estimate $200 - 300.
This is the earliest recorded example of this NYFM cancel, recorded from Mar. 27th to May 12th, 1875.
Realized: $145

Elaborate Negative Geometric, fine strike ties 1873, 3¢ green, 6¢ dull pink, on blue cover with preprinted address to Paris, France, red "New York 'Paid' Apr 15" exchange cds, blue Cherbourg (4.26) arrival cds, small red "PD" framed handstamp also ties 6¢; edge tear and small part of flap missing, Very Fine, ex-Gibson, Weiss, Boker. Scott No. 158, 159. Weiss No. GE-EN2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230

Elaborate Positive Geometric, two strikes tie 1873, 2¢ brown, two singles, and 6¢ dull pink, on 1875 cover to Rome, Italy, perfect bold strike of "New York Paid All Br. Transit Apr 21" exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Russia from New York Apr. 21st to Queenstown arriving Apr. 30th; small stamp flaws from edge placement, minor edge mending, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 157 (2), 159. Weiss No. GE-EP10 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

Elaborate Positive Geometric, worn strike ties 1873, 1¢ ultramarine on 1¢ postal card to Weidenthal, Germany, red "New York P.O. Dec 16" exchange cds, upon arrival forwarded with Weidenthal (12.29) datestamp to Frankenstein (12.30) arrival, 1875 message, Very Fine. Scott No. 156 + UX3. Weiss No. GE-EP4 Estimate $200 - 300.
This is the earliest recorded example of this NYFM cancel, recorded from Dec. 16th to Sep. 1876.
Realized: $325