Mexico, Official 1887 olive brown, tied by 1887 Tepic oval handstamp on cover front to Ixtlan, certificado boxed date stamp and eagle cachet handstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. O5 Estimate $200 - 300.

Mexico, Official 1887 olive brown, canceled by Mexico cds on 1891 cover to New York City, registry etiquette and violet "Secretaria De Relaciones Exteriores" corner card date stamp, Very Fine. Scott No. O5 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

Mexico, Official 1887 olive brown, tied by 1891 Matamoros cds's on cover to Brownsville, Tex., purple "Ona Militar" eagle cachet handstamp; some light toning, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. O5 Estimate $150 - 200.

Lot 2448 P
Mexico, 1895, 1c-10p Mulitas Official Issue, black presentation proof set, o.g. or without gum, well centered throughout, a Very Fine set, originally intended for UPU but rejected as they were not in the issued colors.Scott No. O10P-O22P Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $290

2449 P
Mexico, 1895, 1c-50c Mulitas Officials, red "Oficial" overprint proofs, on stamp paper gummed and perf'd, blocks of 4, full o.g., rich colors, some with natural s.e.'s, a Very Fine set, the complete set as no 1p value is known, no one knows the origin of this red overprint which matches the black overprint, probably a short run for presentations booklets. Scott No. O10-O19 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $675

Lot 2450 S
Mexico, 1899, 4c//50c Official Mulitas issues, "MUESTRA" overprint set, 6 Official overprint stamps (4c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 50c) on Eagle, RM, Correoseum and unwatermaked paper, these are very rare and were used in special presentation leather books made at the end of the issue in 1899, full o.g., 10c with s.e. at left, Very Fine, no more than 3 sets are known to exist.Scott No. O15S//O47S Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $850

Mexico, 1895, 10c Official, natural s.e. at left, tied by 1896 Mexico cds on cover to Sidney, Australia, with blue Adminstracion Gral De Correos oval date stamp and printed eagle cachet on backflap, Very Fine and scarce, a rare destination. Scott No. O15 Estimate $400 - 600.

Mexico, 1895, 20c Official, horizontal pair, in combination with 1895, 5c Official on oversized registered consular cover to Zurich, Switzerland, tied by 1896 Mexico cds's, Mexico & N.Y. registry etiquettes and eagle cachet on backflap; some cover edge wear, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. O18+O14 Estimate $300 - 400.

Lot 2453 S
Mexico, 1895, 5p Official, "MUESTRA" overprint, full o.g., wide margins, rich brilliant color, fresh and Very Fine, very rare; with 2007 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. O21S Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $375

Lot 2454 o
Mexico, 1895, 5p Official, town corner cancel, strong bright color, well centered, Very Fine and choice.Scott No. O21.