Carl Jensen, Contractor, Honolulu, H.I., printed corner card on cover to M. McInerny, Shoe Store, Honolulu bearing 2¢ rose (81) tied by purple "Peahi, Maui, Dec 9, 1899" (MH #235.02, 1R) cds, reverse with Hamakuapoku (12.9) transit cds and Honolulu (12.10) arrival duplex; cover faulty upper right, F.-V.F., An exceedingly rare use from Peahi, Maui. Peters-Uota No. CJ-CC-1 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,400

E.B. Thomas, Contractor and Builder, Honolulu, H.I., printed corner card with "P.O. Box 443, Office Telephone 914. Res. 876" address on cover bearing 1¢ dark green (80) tied by partial "Honolulu H.I. 1900" duplex locally addressed to M. McInerny, Very Fine and rare, The only recorded example of this corner card. Peters-Uota No. EBT-CC-2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140

Wilson & Whitehouse, Engineers & Contractors. Honolulu, Hawaii, preprinted script corner card on blue cover bearing 1¢ yellow (74) tied by "Honolulu. H.I. Jan 10 1899" duplex with typewriter address to Wong Feart, Kapaa, Kauai; light toning, F.-V.F. Peters-Uota No. WW-CC-2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

Castle & Cooke, Honolulu, H.I., Apr 7 1883, red fancy double lined circle datestamp as corner card on Bond correspondence cover to New York N.Y. bearing 5¢ blue (32), faulty, tied by ring cancel, bold strike of red "Honolulu, Hawaii, Apr 8" cds (MH 235.12), reverse with San Francisco Pd. All (4.19) transit and New York (4.27) arrival cds, F.-V.F. Peters-Uota No. CC-HS-3 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300

Castle & Cooke, Honolulu, H.I., blue "Apr. 26, 1875" double-oval corner card datestamp on orange cover to Miss Carrie S. Bond, Kohala bearing 2¢ brown (35) cancelled by manuscript; small edge tears, F.-V.F., a scarce use. Peters-Uota No. CC-HS-1 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

Castle & Cooke, Honolulu, H.I., purple "Oct 20 1888" oval corner card datestamp on 5¢ blue (U4) entire to Berlin, Germany, "Honolulu H.I. Oct 20 1888" foreign mail cds and matching four-ring cancel, purple "T/ 25 Centimes" due handstamp with blue crayon "40" rating, reverse with additional strike of oval as flap seal along with San Francisco (10.27) transit cds and German (11.14) arrival cds; blue crayon "40" due rating, Very Fine. Peters-Uota No. CC-HS-8 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140