4150 P
1885, 1¢ Red Brown on Orange Buff, clipped bottom right corner as usual, 7 m/1 dusky red orange brown on 17q/1 orange buff card, Very Fine. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TC var. Estimate $200 - 300.

4151 P
1885, 1¢ Bright Green on Buff, Trial Color "Cancelled", Trial color typographed die proof on 130 x 76mm buff card with manuscript "cancelled" at center, Very Fine. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TCd var. $250.

4152 P
1885, 1¢ Black on Buff, Trial Color "Specimen", Trial color typographed die proof on 130 x 76mm buff card with manuscript "Specimen" at center, Very Fine and unlisted color. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TCd var. $250.
Realized: $170

4153 P
1885, 1¢ on Buff, Trial Color Proofs, group of 6 different colors comprising black, blue, gloomy gray violet, green, gray-blue (clipped lower left corner) and light purple on clipped card, Very Fine. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TCe $1,500.
As early as October 15, 1885, less than two months after the first of these cards was issued on August 24, C. C. Woolworth requested a change of color from brown to black, claiming that the base color of the brown ink is vermillion which attacked the metal plates and brown ink clogged the fine lines of the engraving. Trial color proofs were submitted to the Postmaster General on January 11, 1886.
Realized: $575

4154 P
1885, 1¢ on Buff, Trial Color "Specimen", trial color typographed die proofs in two colors of dark neutral gray and dull dusky gray-blue on 130 x 76mm buff card, each with red manuscript "Specimen" at center, Very Fine and scarce pair. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TCeS $500+.

4155 P
1885, 1¢ Red Brown on Gray, Trial Color Proof, clipped bottom right corner as usual, 7 m/1 dusky red orange brown on 21g/4 gray card, Very Fine. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TCg $400.
Realized: $180

4156 P
1885, 1¢ Reddish Brown on Buff, Wode's Production Ink Samples, group of 3 cards, each with red manuscript "#2" in upper left, and marked "Wode's (#1) 15 Minutes after", "Wode's (#1) 45 Minutes after" and "Wode's (#1) 60 Minutes after"; last with rubber band stain on back, a Very Fine and unique group. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TCm $3,000.
Much difficulty was encountered with the ink used in producing this issue of cards, all of which had a tendency to clog the fine lines of the design and blur the finished product, thus requiring far too frequent washing of the plates. The rapidity with which this blurring occurred is illustrated with a series of production specimens using various commercial inks, including those produced by such well known firms as Johnson, Morrill and Wode.
Realized: $1,600

4157 P
1885, 1¢ Brown on Buff, Wode's Production Ink Samples, group of 3 cards, each with red manuscript "#3" in upper left, and marked "Wode's (#2) just after washing", "Wode's (#2) 15 Minutes after" and "Wode's (#2) 30 Minutes after"; first with with rubber band stain on face and last with small tear, F.-V.F. and unique group. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TCn $3,000.
Much difficulty was encountered with the ink used in producing this issue of cards, all of which had a tendency to clog the fine lines of the design and blur the finished product, thus requiring far too frequent washing of the plates. The rapidity with which this blurring occurred is illustrated with a series of production specimens using various commercial inks, including those produced by such well known firms as Johnson, Morrill and Wode.
Realized: $900

4158 P
1885, 1¢ Brown on Buff, Johnson's Production Ink Samples, group of 4 cards, each with red manuscript "#4" in upper left, and marked "Johnson ink, 15 minutes after washing" in red manuscript, and red, rest in black manuscript. "Johnson ink, 30 minutes after washing", "Johnson ink, 45 minutes after" and "Johnson ink, 60 minutes after"; last with with rubber band stain on back, Very Fine and unique group. Scott No. UX8TC. USPCC No. S7TCo $4,000.
Realized: $1,800

4159 S
1885, 1¢ Brown on Buff, Production Specimen, buff card with black printed "Specimen" over stamp and "Specimen" in 55 x 10mm rectangular border of diagonal squares in address space, Very Fine. Scott No. UX8PS. USPCC No. S7PSa $200.
Realized: $100