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Sale 84: Foreign Stamps and Covers

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Nova Scotia - Stampless Covers by Date

Lots 1045-1054 Lots 1055-1063

Lot 1055    

Nova Scotia, 1820 (Nov. 3) Annapolis, N.S. to London, England, folded cover with partial "Annapolis 3 Nov 20" straightline postmark and matching "Paid" handstamp with red "9" pence cy. rating, carried as ship letter to Halifax where "Ship Letter, Halifax" oval crown handstamp struck and updated manuscript "1/1" 1s1d due rating, "SHIPLETTER" straightline and updated "1/8" 1s8d rating for 1s inland plus 8d ship letter fee, Very Fine.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

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Lot 1056    

Nova Scotia, 1826 (Oct. 11) Windsor, Canada to London, England via Halifax, folded cover with "Post Office, Windsor, 'Oct 11 26' " double circle postmark with manuscript dating and red manuscript "Paid Inland Postage" and "4½" pence cy. rating, endorsed "Per Packet" at bottom left, "Halifax OC" fleuron, carried by Packet Swallow from Halifax Oct. 23rd to Falmouth arriving Nov. 14th, red London (11.16) backstamp and manuscript "2/2" rating for 2s2d packet rate to London, fresh and Extremely Fine, ex-Steinhart.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $130

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Lot 1057    

Nova Scotia, 1831 (Jan. 27) Ship Harbour, Cape Breton to London, England via Halifax, docketed folded part letter with manuscript "P 11" rating for 11d cy. inland postage, "Post Office, Antigonish" double-circle struck twice dated "5 Feby 31" and "8 Feby 31", "Halifax, MR 4 31" fleuron transit, carried by Packet Rinaldo from Halifax Mar. 6th to Falmouth arriving Mar. 29th, red London (4.1) backstamp and ratings crossed out and updated to "2/2" for 2s2d due, Very Fine.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $180

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Lot 1058    

Nova Scotia, 1832 (Feb. 6) Digby, N.S. to Hull, England, datelined folded letter with "Post Office, Digby" double-circle postmark and manuscript "6th Feby '32" dating, matching circled "Paid" handstamp and manuscript "9" pence rating, Halifax transit backstamp, carried by Packet Duke of York from Halifax to Falmouth, paid rating crossed out and updated to "2/4" for 1s3d packet plus 1s1d inland postage; light fold toning, otherwise Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $240

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Lot 1059    

Nova Scotia, 1832 (Dec. 25) Antigonish, N.S. to Halifax, N.S, datelined folded letter with clear strike of "Post Office, Antigonish" double-circle postmark with manuscript "Decr. 25 32" dating, rating of "11" inland postage plus "1" pence delivery fee totalled to "1/" one shilling cy. due, Very Fine and choice.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $450

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Lot 1060    

Nova Scotia, 1833 (Apr. 12) River John, Nova Scotia to London, England via Pictou and Halifax, folded cover with inside origin docketing, entered mails with "Post Office, Pictou" double-circle postmark with manuscript "18 Apr. 33" dating and matching circled "Paid" handstamp with manuscript "7" d. cy. rating to Halifax, rimless "Halifax, AP 10" datestamp, carried by Packet Pigeon to London, flap with red (5.8) arrival cds and rating updated to "2/2" 2s 2d packet rating, Very Fine.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $180

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Lot 1061    

Nova Scotia, 1846, 1850 Nova Scotia to Cape Breton, pair of folded letters comprising 1846 (Dec. 10) with "Arichat N.S., Paid" postmark with "Paid" crossed out and replaced by "DE 12" datestamp to Gut of Canso C.B. with manuscript "4½" d.cy. due rating for a ship letter; and 1850 (Sep. 19) Halifax N.S. to Sydney C.B. with manuscript "4½" d.cy. packet rating, endorsed "Per Steamer", F.-V.F. pair of letters.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Better communications in the province were also achieved by ships linking coastal communities. In 1837, the first attempt was made to encourage the running of regular sailing vessels or steamers between the smaller ports in the province. The Legislative Council granted £100 annually for three years for a steamboat to carry the mail once a week between Windsor and Parrsborough, and Horton and Parrsborough, and £50 for the sailing of a schooner between Guysborough and Arichat touching occasionally at Fox Island and Canso.

Realized: $180

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Lot 1062    

Nova Scotia, 1852 Paid at Amherst. N.S., perfect strike of red crowned circle handstamp and manuscript "3" pence prepaid rating on 1852 folded letter written at Parrsborough to Hon. Joseph How as member of Parliament at Halifax, endorsed "Paid" at top right, reverse with Amherst (5.4) origin cds and Halifax (5.5) arrival oval; vertical file folds, Extremely Fine and choice.
SG No. CC1; £1,000 ($1,310)    Estimate $500 - 750.


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Lot 1063    

Nova Scotia, 1853 (Mar. 31) Halifax, Nova Scotia to Chester, England, cover with red "Halifax, Paid, Mar 31, 1853, Nova-Scotia" tombstone postmark and matching red "1" pence rating handstamp for the 1d soldier's letter rate, carried by Cunard Line Canada to Liverpool arriving Apr. 9th, red "America, Paid, AP 10 53, Liverpool" transit cds, blue Chester (4.10) arrival backstamp; cover wear and some paper loss, Fine and rare 1d soldier's letter use.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

This is the earliest recorded use of this Halifax "1" rating handstamp. The tombstone postmark is known used from July 9th 1839 to late 1866.

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Lots 1045-1054 Lots 1055-1063

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