Australian States: Victoria, 1870 (May 25) Melbourne, Victoria to San Francisco Cal., cover bearing Victoria, 2s blue (28) tied by "Victoria" barred oval duplexed with "Melbourne, MY 25, 70" cds, carried by Coastal ship to Sydney, then carried by ASN Wonga Wonga from Sydney May 28th via Auckland to Honolulu, then NPT Ajax from Honolulu Jun. 23rd to San Francisco, partial San Francisco (7.4) cds and matching "20" due handstamp for double the 10¢ steamship rate; cover reduced at ends and small faults, soiling, Fine and very scarce use of the 2s woodblock on cover. Estimate $200 - 300.
The rate from Victoria was 1/ per half ounce - soon would drop to 8d and 6d. Pre-treaty mail was assessed steamship rates in San Francisco. The Victoria 2s blue woodblock is very scarce on cover with less than 10 known covers.
Realized: $160

Australian States: New South Wales, 1870 (Dec. 30) Sydney, New South Wales to San Francisco Cal., cover bearing New South Wales, 1s carmine (42) tied by two strikes of "N.S.W." oval duplexed with "Sydney, DE 30, 1870" cds, carried by ASN City of Melbourne to Honolulu, then NPT Moses Taylor Jan. 28th to San Francisco, "San Francisco Cal., 10, Feb 7" integral-due cds for 10¢ steamship rate; repaired top edge fault; bit of flap missing, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
New South Wales was the biggest supporter of the Via San Francisco Route and participated with New Zealand in financing the shipping contracts. Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia were supporters of the westbound routes via Suez.
Realized: $170

Australian States: New South Wales, 1871 (Oct. 18) Sydney, New South Wales to Elk Creek Wis., cover bearing New South Wales, 2d blue (36) and 6d violet (40), tied by two strikes of "N.S.W." oval duplexed with "Sydney, OC 18, 71" duplex, carried by Webb & Holladay Nebraska via Fiji and Honolulu, bold "San Francisco, Cal. '10' Dec 4" integral-due cds for 10¢ steamship rate; edge flaws, Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Webb & Holladay formed the Australia Mail Steamship Line and ran from Sydney via Auckland, Fiji and Honolulu to San Francisco from June 1871 until March 1873.
Realized: $240

Australian States: South Australia, 1871 (Dec. 27) Norwood, South Australia to Marysville Kans., blue legal-size cover bearing South Australia, 1d yellow green, pair and single, and 3d on 4d sky blue, all tied by strikes of "Norwood, S.A., DE 7, 71" cds, Adelaide (12.27) transit backstamps, carried by Ship Nebraska from Sydney, "San Francisco, Cal. '10' Mar 1" integral-due cds for 10¢ steamship rate; couple ink stains, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $1,200

Australian States: Victoria, 1872 (Jan. 16) Melbourne, Victoria to Cornwall Conn., mourning cover bearing Victoria, 6d blue (116) vertical pair tied by two strikes of "Victoria" barred oval duplexed with "Melbourne, JA 16 '72" cds, carried by Webb & Holladay Nebraska from Sydney Jan. 20th to Honolulu arriving Feb. 19th, "San Francisco Cal. '10' Mar 1" integral-due cds for 10¢ steamship rate, transcontinental railroad to Conn., Extremely Fine and choice mourning cover use, ex-Gabriel. Estimate $200 - 300.
Webb & Holladay's Line ran into early 1873, then there was a ten month period in 1873 when no contractor could be found.
Realized: $325

1872 (Dec. 20) Auburn Ill. to Adelong, New South Wales, orange cover bearing bearing United States, 2¢ red brown (146) two s.e. singles, 6¢ carmine (148), each cancelled by partial four-ring target, matching "Auburn Ill. Dec 30" cds, endorsed "Via San Francisco", carried by Webb & Holladay Nebraska to Auckland arriving Feb. 2nd, reverse with Sydney (2.21), Gundagai (2.22) transits and Adelong (2.23) arrival cds, Very Fine and choice use at 10¢ American Packet rate to NSW before she signed postal treaty in 1874., ex-Landau. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

Australian States: New South Wales, 1873 (Apr. 19) Sydney, New South Wales to San Francisco Cal., cover bearing New South Wales, 6d lilac (57) tied by "N.S.W." oval duplexed with "Sydney, AP 19, 73" cds, carried by private ship direct to San Francisco, "San Francisco Cal., Jul 30" cds with bold "Ship 4" straightline for the 4¢ ship letter rate to port; no flap, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Used during the period when no shipping contractor could be found. Note that arriving ship letter rates in the United States were cheaper than steamship rates, but transit time was much longer.
Realized: $500

1874 (Mar. 5) San Francisco Cal. to Melbourne, Australia, cover bearing United States, 1¢ blue (156), 3¢ green (158) and two 10¢ brown (161) singles for double the 12¢ treaty rate, tied by leaf cancels, magenta "San Francisco Cal., Paid, Mar 5" exchange cds, carried by ASN City of Melbourne to Sydney arriving Apr. 9th, Melbourne (4.11) transit backstamp, receipt docketing across face, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Double treaty rate paid, although United States and Victoria would not sign a postal treaty until 1878.
Realized: $180

Australian States: Tasmania, 1874 (Oct. 7) Hobart Town, Tasmania to Norwalk Conn., cover bearing Tasmanian, 6d purple tied by "Tasmania" barred oval duplexed with "Hobart Town, OC 7, 74" cds, "San Francisco, Steamship, Nov 27" exchange cds and matching "10" due handstamp for 10¢ steamship rate, additional "San Francisco, Cal. Nov 28" despatch cds, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $575

1876 (Feb. 22) Brockton Mass. to Melbourne, Victoria, cover bearing United States, 2¢ vermilion (178) and 3¢ green (158), each tied by segmented cork cancel duplexed with "Brockton Mass., Feb 22" cds, red New York (2.23) exchange backstamp, overland to San Francisco, carried by PMSC City of San Francisco to Sydney, then Burrabool May 4th to Melbourne, reverse with Melbourne (5.8) arrival backstamp, original 1876 letter accompanies; small edge tear at left, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Upon the United States entry into the GPU/UPU on July 1, 1875, the American Packet rate to non-treaty colonies was lowered to 5¢. Victoria would sign a postal treaty the following year in 1876.
Realized: $260