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Sale 94: The Fall Sale

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China to Colombia

Lots 2379-2386

Lot 2379    

China, 1827 (Nov. 29) Whampoa, China to Providence R.I. via Amboy N.J., folded letter datelined "Whampoa Novr. 29 - 1827", endorsed "p Ship Maria, Captn. Evans, N York" at lower left, entered mails with red fancy "Amboy, New Jersey, Apl 1" oval postmark and matching small "SHIP" straightline with "58¼" updated to "39½" rating for 37½¢ inland postage plus 2¢ ship fee, some interesting content from W. P. Salisbury reading in part "Gentlemen in my last of 26th Octr. I informed you of the death of my Carpenter by drowning…I want 600 chests of tea to compliment my cargo…", docketed "Recd Apl 3. 1828" indicating over 4 months in transit; cover split along vertical fold, Fine and early ship use from Whampoa to the United States.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $950

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Lot 2380    

China, 1835 (Jun. 4) Canton, China to Philadelphia Pa. via Boston, folded letter from the Whetmore & Co. correspondence to partner Joseph Archer datelined "Canton, June 4th 1835", endorsed per Ship "Tarquin" at bottom left, entered mails with red "New-York, Dec 30" cds and matching "SHIP" straightline with ms. "39½" rating for 37½¢ inland postage plus 2¢ ship fee, Very Fine.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Some interesting market reporting concerning tea and depressed local market for inbound goods, the need to borrow $90,000 with $80,000 in bills on hand which seem to be hard to exchange, "…The Tarquin will commence loading today & from all we can learn think she will not have, to exceed 4000 chests of Teas, of which 2000 at least will be Young Hysons…The Franklin has gone to Manila for a cargo of Rice, & will return here for a cargo of Teas which have been purchased by us for here…Our neighbors have been greatly disappointed in consequence of their inability to execute their orders for Teas. We estimate the following will be about the quantity of Teas that will be shipped before the new come into market to the United States by vessels now here viz: Tarquin 4000 Chests of which 2000 Y Hyson; Mary 4500; Regulus 7500; Franklin 6000…These vessels will take every chest remaining of the present crop…" and signed "Wetmore & Co.".

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Lot 2381    

China, 1898 (Dec. 13) Foochow, China to Lynn, Mass., blue "United States Consulate, Fuchau, China." imprint cover bearing China I.P., 5c salmon (102) pair with margin selvage, tied by violet "United States Consulate, Fuchau, China, Dec 13, 1898" double-circle datestamp and overstruck "Foochow, 13 Dec 98" bilingual dollar dater, entered Japanese P.O. bearing Japan, 10s brown orange (79) with left selvage, tied by partial "Shanghai, I.J.P.O., 17 Dec 98" cds; reverse with Yokohama (12.23) transit cds and Lynn (1.19) arrival cds; no back flap, Very Fine.
Estimate    $2,000 - 3,000.


Realized: $2,100

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Lot 2382    

China, 1897, Large 1¢ on 3¢ Red Revenue, o.g., h.r., fresh & Fine.
Scott No. 78    $525.

Realized: $200

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Lot 2383    

China, 1900, Chinese Imperial Post, unwatermarked, 2¢ scarlet, diagonal bisect, lower right portion of stamp tied by neat cds on locally addressed cover to Customs in Chungking, Very Fine; signed Samuel Ray.
Scott No. 112 var.    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $160

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Lot 2384    

China, 1926 Shanghai to Hankow, China, drug company corner card cover franked with 1926, 4¢ olive green + Airmail 1921, 30¢ scarlet & black tied by Shanghai cds's, front and reverse with illustrated black on yellow "Par Avion, Terra Asia, Shanghai" airmail label, reverse with receiving backstamp, Very Fine, a rare usage of this Shanghai airmail etiquette.
Scott No. 275+C2    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Realized: $300

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Lot 2385    

Italian Offices in Peking, 1917 Italian Offices in Peking Varieties, an extraordinary assembly mainly featuring outstanding varieties of the 1917 first surcharges, comprising four local registered covers including one bearing inverted 4c. on 10c. and 2c. on 5c. pair with double surcharge (one inverted) at top (Oliva and Fiecchi certificates); 4c & 6c two surcharges on 25c (two covers, one accompanied by Fiecchi certificate); and "Floreale" 20c on 40c The lot is additionally enriched by eight used adhesives also of great interest, accompanied by four Fiecchi and Oliva certificates, including surcharges unlisted in Sassone, such as Express 25c only showing "Pechino" overprint (cert. Fiecchi, probably the only recorded), Very Fine, a unique and most difficult group of great rarity and fascination, ex-Marquess of Bute.
Estimate    $7,500 - 10,000.

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Realized: $18,000

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Lot 2386 o   

Colombia, 1866, Coat of Arms, 10p black on vermilion, block of 4, manuscript cancels, margins full to just shaving at top, couple horizontal wrinkles in top pair, otherwise Very Fine, a very scarce multiple; signed A. Diena.
Scott No. 52    Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $625

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Lots 2379-2386

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