Forwarded by [Gay] Kinsley & Co's Boston, New York, Philadelphia & Eastern Express., black on light blue label with "Gay" cut out after he left the express, on reverse of folded letter datelined "Fall River (Mass.) Jun. 20, 1851" to New York, manuscript "pr Gay, Kinsley & Co. Exps" notation at bottom left; some restored fold splitting at upper right, otherwise Very Fine, a very rare provisional Kinsley & Co's express label usage; with 2010 P.F. certificate. Estimate $400 - 600.
In 1850, Gay departed to form Gay & Co. Express in New England, while Kinsley & Co. remained in Philadelphia.
Realized: $375

Forwarded by Gay, Kinsley & Co's Boston, New York, Philadelphia & Eastern Express., black on vermilion label affixed to folded letter sheet to Philadelphia, with bold red "Stait's Despatch Post, at Adams' Expr's, 48 S. 3d St., Paid" handstamp, with printed "Circular." and manuscript street addressing; label margin folded over cover with some creasing at bottom, Very Fine, a unique Gay, Kinsley & Co. Express Express usage handed over to Stait's Despatch for delivery in Philadelphia; with 2001 P.F. certificate. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

Forwarded by Gay, Kinsley & Co's Boston, New York, Philadelphia & Eastern Express., black on dark blue express label with steamboat and locomotive illustrations., on 1850 folded letter from Boston, Mass. to New York, pencil "2/-" bit express charge (25¢); some slight toning, Very Fine, ex-Gibson; with 2010 P.F. certificate. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

Forwarded by Howard Express Company from Allentown Pa., black on vermilion label affixed on cover to Philadelphia, with blue embossed "J.L. Hoffman & Bros., Steam Saw Mill, Allentown, Pa." corner card, manuscript "$202.93" money letter endorsement and "Paid 3/-" bit rating (37½¢); small corner repair at top right, Very Fine and scarce, one bit was charged for each $100 value increment; with 2010 P.F. certificate. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650

Forwarded by the Howard Express Company from 248 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, black on vermilion label affixed to cover addressed to New York; small label flaws and cover folds and missing backflap, F.-V.F.; with 2010 P.F. certificate. Estimate $400 - 600.

4006 (
The Howard Express Company, Philadelphia, red printed money package front for collection in Erie, Pa. on accounts in Philadelphia, forwarded with black on green "Forwarded by the United States Express Co., From Dunkirk, N.Y." label, delivered with black on vermilion "Money Package by the American Express Co., From Erie, Pa." label, manuscript "8/-" bit rating ($1.00); labels with corner nicks and green label with internal tear, otherwise Very Fine, one of three recorded triple conjunctive parcel express usage recorded; with 2011 P.F. certificate. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $240

Forwarded by (H. B.) Roberts & Co's Philadelphia & Norristown Express., black on orange label with illustrated locomotive, offices and agent listings, on reverse of ca. 1852 cover to Philadelphia with blue "Henry Hill, Dealer in Iron, Hardware & Tools, Norristown, Pa." illustrated embossed cameo corner card depicting saw and anvil, Extremely Fine, the only known usage of this rare express package label (Mosher RBTX-L1); with 2010 P.F. certificate. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Forwarded by H. B. Roberts' Philad'a & Norristown Express., typeset on pink label with office addresses, on folded letter datelined "Norristown, March 22, 1849", to street address in Philadelphia, Very Fine, the only known usage of this early express package label; with 2010 P.F. certificate. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.

Forwarded by Shattuck & Smylie's Philadelphia & Eastern Package Express., large black on green label with illustrated locomotive and office addressed in Philadelphia and Easton, on folded letter sheet to street address in Philadelphia, with manuscript "an order" notation and red "1851" date with may not be contemporary; small sealed cover tear at bottom, Very Fine, the only known usage of this rare express package label, ex-Knapp, Gibson & Foote; with 2010 P.F. certificate. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $800