Hawaii, Honolulu Oahu, Feb. 24th, 1837, dateline on folded letter, a part of which is a Jan. 1, 1837 Mackintosh & Co. printed business announcement printed on the same press as the first regularly printed English newspaper - The Sandwich Island Gazette (1836-39) published by Stephen Macintosh, to Boston, Mass. with unusual "Pr. Europa, via Valo" as the Europa left Honolulu for Valparaiso by way of Tahiti on March 17th, entered the U.S. mails with red "Baltimore, Md., Nov 9" cds and matching "Ship" handstamp, manuscript "20¾" rating for 18¾¢ rate to Boston plus 2¢ ship fee; some splitting along file folds, Very Fine; with 2003 P.F. certificate. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
This Valparaiso routing is known between 1836 and 1840 with at least three or four vessels making the trip annually between Honolulu and Valparaiso.
Realized: $3,000

Hawaii, Midway Island, H. Isls., May 10, 1905, clear strike of cds duplexed with "Oahu" barred oval that ties 1¢ green (300) on Pacific Mail S.S. Co. "On Board S.S. 'Manchuria' " multicolor post card to Sterling Ill., bold "Honolulu, H.Islands., Rec'd, May 26, 1905" transit cds and Sterling (6.9) arrival cds, message datelined "Midway Island 4/98, Here writing news of Russian Fleet. Hope to get away during the day. This is Cable Station. A.C.V.", Extremely Fine and choice. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
The Midway Islands were discovered by Americans in 1859 and formally annexed on August 28, 1867. A U.S. post office was not established there until June 13, 1903 with Benjamin W. Coley, company agent, appointed as postmaster. The only installation on the Island during this period was the Commercial Pacific Cable Company and later the U.S. Navy from 1904 to 1908. The Post Office was closed on June 30, 1918.
Realized: $1,400