1873, 10¢ brown, C.B.N.C. printing, horizontal pair, partly separated, used with 7¢ orange vermilion (160), tied by light target cancels duplexed with "New Haven, Conn. May 2" cds on 1876 Landfear correspondence cover to Wellington, Cape of Good Hope, additional red "New Haven (5.2) cds and bold red "New York '1.10' May 3" credit exchange cds, red London Paid (5.15) transit cds with red crayon "1" Colonial credit, Capetown (6.10) and Wellington (6.10) arrival cds; reduced slightly at left, Very Fine and colorful franking for the 27¢ rate to Cape of Good hope, ex-Walter Hubbard, "Andromeda", "Golden Oak"; with 2020 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 161 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500