1851 Incoming Cover from Russia to New York. With forwarding to Sacramento City and San Francisco, Cal. reverse with "St.Petersburg, 8 Mar, 1851" origin boxed date stamp, "Aachen Bahnhof 28 3" railroad cds, partial red oval "Forwarded By De Rham, Iselin & Moore New York" handstamp and "Gilpin's Exchange Reading Room and Foreign Letter Office N - York" forwarder handstamp, red and "5" handstamps, circular "P" handstamp & red "Collect" adjacent, red "Sacramento City, Cal., Jul 7" cds, manuscript "via Liverpool" crossed through and "El Dorado" substituted in the lower left corner; some ink erosion in address panel, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $425