2540 o/
German Offices in the Turkish Empire Collection. Stamps and cover on album pages; with the Germany first issue shield types with values to 5gr, used in the 1870s, followed by 1875/79s with a pair of 10pf on cover & 20pf single usage (x3), good study of these issues on piece, much Vorlaufer and Mitlaufer, further first issues of Germany with 2x 2gr (x2) on cover to London, pfennige and pfennigs to 50pf on both types, Office issues with a variety of covers including registered and postal stationery (x15), virtually all commercial with values to 4pi on 80pf as well as used high values on piece, 5 philatelic sheet corner marginal blocks of 1889 10, 20, 1p, 1¼p & 2½p on five separate covers (Michel #6-10), commercially used include trios of 10, 20 and 1¼p (x2 on covers), various single usages, etc.; inspection a must for full evaluation. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $3,500