Hong Kong, 1896 Hong Kong Registered Covers to Europe. 2 covers; to Zurich, Switzerland and Germany via Hong Kong with multiple forwarding, 1) printed "D.S. Dady Burjor, Hong Kong" cover with manuscript "Per English Mail Registered." 30c green (Scott 47) cancelled by "Hong Kong Ap 9 96" cds, paying double 10¢ per half ounce letter rate, plus 10¢ registration fee. Adjacent circular "R" hand-stamp, Proud type RL7 recorded 1884-1903, but seldom seen during this period when rectangular "R Hong Kong GPO" hand-stamp (RL 9) was recorded in use (31.5.94-15.5.96). "Zurich Brf Exp 10.V.96" receiving cds on reverse. 2) Opened out small package wrapper bearing German 10pf +25pf cancelled "Berlin 29 11 97", with red registration label: "Berlin Eingeschrirben R." Originally addressed "Care of American Consulate Singapore", "Singapore De 27 97" cds, forwarded to Hong Kong where "Hong Kong Mr 1 98" cds and oval "U.S.Consulate Hongkong" marking applied. Pair of QV 5c stamps affixed and cancelled "Hong Kong Ap2 98" to forward package to Cincinnati, Ohio. "Registered May 2 1898 St. Paul, Minn." transit cds, with "Supposed Liable To Customs Duty", and "Cincinnati O. May 3 1898" receipt mark; normal signs of wear for such multiple forwarding, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $550