(Route 6003) Steam Boat Belle Creole, red oval handstamp on folded letter datelined "Vicksburg Dec. 9th 1850" and from the Carroll Hoy correspondence to New Orleans, entered mails with red "New Orleans La. Dec 12" cds and matching bold "Steam 10" circular rating handstamp for over 300 miles, Very Fine and choice strike. Milgram No. 102 Estimate $600 - 800.
From July 1848, the Vicksburg to New Orleans route 6003 was contracted by the round trip at 2¢ per letter and ½¢ per newspaper. Payment tied to volumes of mail carried this way are rare. The Belle Creole operated in the New Orleans to Vicksburg trade under Captain J.M. White between 1850 and 1852.
Realized: $675