(Nebraska) Fort Kearney, N.T., Dec 19 (Nebraska Territory), clear black cds and grid cancel ties 3¢ rose (65), light bend, on 1864 orange cover to Sutton N.H., original 4 page letter accompanies with excellent Indian content, Very Fine, ex-David T. Beals; with 2014 P.F. certificate. Estimate $500 - 750.
Indian content includes, "My company is still doing Garrison duty at this Fort, and is the only Company which is not mounted. The Indians continue to attack the passing trains and killing teamsters and travelers for the sake of plunder. The Commander is frequently sending out scouting parties after them. One party of a hundred is out now after a lot of Indians who lately attacked a train thirty miles west of here. Capt. Majors, our Capt. commands a post thirty-five miles West of here. The Indians have attacked the trains and stages several times during this Fall and he with his men have killed as many as ten or twelve Indians, but they won't leave us yet. Further West Col. Chivington, a Methodist Preacher, had a fight with a large lot, a few days ago, and it is said he killed about 200 of them." .
Realized: $950